Hypothetical Cities and Countries Wikia

The Second American Revolution / Civil War was a long Gruesome Bloody War that was part of a eventual slow collapse to discourse & civil unrest that Lasted from 2024 all the way to 2040.

Pre-Timeline Events[]

The 2024 Presidential Election & First Inauguration[]

Trump's Dystopian World[]

After his Inauguration, Trump is officially back in office. But what is more to it, is very darker & autocratic than it was back in his 2017 - 2020 first term.

Project 2025 Presidential Transition Planbook[]

Project 2025 is a very Prophetical, Chilling Pro-Nazi & Trumpist political initiative published by the think tank Heritage Foundation. It aimed to reshape the United States Government into a Totalitarian Dictatorship, Autocratic, Communist, and a Fascist State type of government similar To Nazi Germany, Iran, North Korea, China & Russia. The Project also supported "Sameness" a so called fictional ideology from The Giver. Donald Trump merged both The Constitution / Bill Of Rights & Project 2025, including Agenda 47 & The 1776 Commission into one document called: The Reformed Constitution Of The United States.

The Plans That Donald Trump Endorsed[]

  • Economy / GDP:
  • Education & Research:
  • Environment / Climate:
  • Presidential Power Expansion:
  • Foreign Affair's:
  • Public Healthcare:
  • Immigration Reforms:
  • Issues Of Identity & LGBTQ Rights:
  • Journalism:
  • Law Enforcement / National Security:
  • Pornography & Adult Content:
  • Transportation Infrastructure:
  • Womens Reproductive Rights & Feminism:

As a result, Donald Trump made his people's lives a dystopian strictly controlled living hell. The People of America became very upset and again criticized Trump & his Administration for all of the mess they've made. He later executed and tortured Anti Trumpists, Feminist / Abortion Rights Activists, Anti Communist's, Lincoln Project Supporter's, People of Different Color, Race & Diversity, Far Leftists & Some Democrats, LGBTQ Individuals and Non Christian's / Atheist's, all in which they were sent to numerous Concentration Camps established by Trump. Absolutely Horrible & Frightening! That's what happens when you vote for a Criminal Felon TV Show Clown that is a 100% Liar according to Pinocchios Lengthening Long Nose! 🤥🙄🤡

The 2028 Presidential Election & Second Inauguration[]

This Year's 2028 Presidential Election Saw Donald Trump Against The Now Former Republican in which is a Democratic Registered: Nikki Haley. She promised that she would stop the progression of a very hypothetical impossible Third Term for President Trump. Many Democrats & Republicans Voted For The Utopian Savior instead of A Single Orange Man who takes away all children / adolescents & tortures them. As A Result Nikki Haley Easily Won The Election On A Subsequent Landslide Victory.

On January 20th Sunday, Nikki Haley took the Oath & was sworn into office as The First Female President, thus breaking the tradition of Male President's.

Nikki Haley's Temporary Utopian World[]

The Last Presidential Election & Inauguration (2032)[]

The 2032 Presidential Election Saw Greg Abbot Against his opponent & Donald Trump's Wife, Melania Trump. Greg Abbot promised to turn America into a Pro-Confederate & Conservative Nation using some ideologies from Trump, While Melania Promised to use Nikki Haley's Technique's in order to make a utopian society free from discrimination, violence & more. Greg Abbot & Melania Trump Won The Election, But they were unable to cross the 270-EV threshold needed to become President, So The House Of Representatives Chooses Greg Abbot for The Republican Counties of Texas, The Republican States and Conservative Swing States; While Melania was chosen for The Democratic Counties in Texas, The Democratic States and Liberal Swing States.

Greg Abbott, Cecilia Abbott, Donald Trump, And Melania Trump are sworn into office and take their oaths.

Greg Abbot & Melania Trump's Shared World[]

Greg Abbot & Melania Trump both share their Presidential Offices. And Their Combine Ideologies stabilize The American Economy / GDP and Prevent from a Stock Market crash from happening.

The Second American Revolution / Civil War[]

Kamala Harris VS Ronald McDonald Trump (2040)[]

After The Skipped Debate Of 2036 and the Cease Fire in America, Kamala Harris was Endorsed by Melania Trump in order to oppose against Her own husband, Donald Trump along with his .

The United Commonwealths Of Laurentia + Aftermath Legacy[]

See Also[]

Trivia & References[]

Further Reading[]


Shout Outs![]


External Links[]
