IMPORTANT NOTE: This timeline has been moved to the Constructed Worlds Wiki. See the new article here.

Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Kerolon

Diagram of Kerolon's territorial claims on Uingffh
The Kingdom of Kerolon, sometimes colloquially referred to as the Empire of Kerolon or simply Kerolon, was an interstellar superpower that, at its greatest territorial extent, officially controlled a total of 50 star systems across the Orion-Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way alongside countless other incorporated stellar territories. Its capital was the city of Korroway on the moon Uingffh in the Ingffhaestian System, and its dominant species were Uingffh's three native sentient species: the tabulons, lordions, and mortei.
As the longest-lasting nation known to Uingffhian records, Kerolon had a long and significantly complex history. The Kingdom formed on the moon Uingffh on November 14, 999 when a trio of tabulons named Otho, Gauss, and Nero Kerolon united the region's various small warring kingdoms under their reign in the Unification War. Seating themselves as the newly-formed Kerolonian Kingdom's royal family, Otho, Gauss, and Nero steadily developed their nation's economy and society. Within two centuries, Kerolon had grown into a prosperous kingdom with a thriving economy and a rich culture. By the rise of the 13th Century, the Kingdom of Kerolon had begun to develop imperialist ideologies and began a program of expansionism across Uingffh, which proved highly successful; by the 1500s, Kerolon had gained control of all parts of Uingffh. Shortly after, however, indigenous rights movements, internal disputes, and other factors caused parts of this "Kerolonian Empire" to begin collapsing; most notably, its northeastern territories seceded into the Unified States of Osuwa over excessive taxation while its western territories seceded into the Great Imperial Hegemony of Morbidia over discrimination against Lordions. Kerolon, however, remained a major power in Uingffhian geopolitics and retained all of its other territories along with the title of largest Uingffhian country.
Though conflicts erupted early on, Kerolon relatively quickly came to exercise peaceful relations with Morbidia and Osuwa, with the three becoming Uingffh's three dominant powers; within Kerolon, reformist politicians transformed Kerolon into a highly progressive, egalitarian, and advanced parliamentary nation over the course of a few centuries. Eventually, beginning in around 1700, Kerolon as well as its two Uingffhian neighbors, motivated by the discovery of ancient ruins supporting the existence of an ancient alien race responsible for seeding all known life, developed spacefaring capabilities and evolved into interstellar nations, discovering and colonizing nearby star systems; Kerolon in particular desired to colonize space to increase its economic prosperity while also discovering and learning more about the universe. In the process, they discovered numerous other alien races seeded by the same ancient alien race; though conflicts occurred on occasion, Kerolon tended to welcome these civilizations into its society and ensured their equal treatment under Kerolonian law. Though Kerolon was lauded for these egalitarian efforts, some non-Ingffhaestians still criticized the Kingdom for being too expansionist and militaristic, with a few particularly critical individuals viewing Kerolon as nothing more than a space empire using social justice as a thin veil to hide its colonialist tendencies.
Beginning in the early 21st Century, tensions between the Morbidian Hegemony and the USO began to rise as an interstellar cold war began to brew, with the two nations competing to amass as much interstellar influence as possible. During this time period, Kerolon tended to act as a mediator between the two powers and attempted to foster peace, to mixed results.
Important note: Terms for government-related organizations such as "Council of Nations", "House of Affluence", or "Social Democrats" are translated from Golagat, the native language of the tabulon civilization, to English.
Formation, War of Unity, and Development (pre-999-1200)[]
Prior to Kerolon's formation, the region of Ulstonia it would come to inhabit (also called Kerolon) was home to several smaller kingdoms and warlord states locked in conflict. During the decade of the 980s, a trio of nobles - Otho rei Oronius, Gauss rei Keyman, and Nero rei Hadrian - began campaigning for a unification of the Kerolon region into a single kingdom, having lost many of their family members to wars between the micro-kingdoms. Over the next few years, the trio amassed numerous like-minded supporters who had also suffered under the kingdoms' many wars and armed conflicts; many of these supporters were soldiers and militiamen growing tired of fighting needless, protracted wars in the name of petty kingdoms.
By the end of the decade, support for Kerolonian unification - particularly from military-involved individuals - had grown substantially, with the trio of nobles enjoying the support of a body of soldiers rivaling the size of a large army. In 999, Otho, Gauss, and Nero finally put their plan into action and mounted an invasion of the Kerolonian micro-kingdoms using their many soldier supporters, beginning the War of Unity. Though the kingdoms had the advantage of combined territory, their refusal to work together led to their swift ends, which sometimes occurred at the hands of their own soldiers. In addition, many smaller villages welcomed the unity trio's occupation, themselves dissatisfied with the divided state of the region.

Flag of the Kingdom of Kerolon upon its formation on November 14, 999.
By November 14 of that year, the three nobles had ousted the rulers of all of the Kerolonian mini-kingdoms and united them under a new nation: the Kingdom of Kerolon. Otho, Gauss, and Nero established themselves as the monarchs of Kerolon, becoming Otho Oronius Kerolon, Gauss Keyman Kerolon, and Nero Hadrian Kerolon. Because none of the three shared a sex (Otho was female, Gauss was male, and Nero was somale), the trio was able to marry each other and become the first members of the Kerolonian Royal Family; though the marriage merely constituted a political marriage and did not involve actual romantic or sexual feelings between the three individuals, the three monarchs succeeded in effectively ruling and managing the fledgling kingdom.
To celebrate the successful formation of Kerolon, the three monarchs chose to establish a new Uingffhian timekeeping era to commemorate the unification of the region: Ascension Throne Kerolonnia, or a.r.k. for short. The Earth year 999 would be designated 0 a.r.k., with succeeding Uingffhian years being denoted by greater numbers followed by "a.r.k." at the end. As Kerolon's influence spread later in its history, the a.r.k. system would become the standardized timekeeping system for all of Uingffh. In addition, the throne of the Kerolonian monarchy would come to be referred to as the Aeonium Throne.
Residents living under the newly-established Kerolon regime welcomed this changing, lauding the political stability and newfound peace it brought. The Royal Family's success in incurring economic growth only increased public support of them. Over the next few centuries, the Kerolonian economy continued to grow as a united Kerolonian culture began to emerge; Kerolonians adopted sophisticated lifestyles that focused on the arts (painting, creative writing, music, etc.), academics, and sciences. These opulent lifestyles, however, were largely restricted to aristocratic families such as those inheriting the nobiliary particle of "rei"; servants and the poor continued to languish under the same unsatisfactory living conditions they suffered under prior to Kerolon's formation.
Keliosity, a religion that had dominated the Kerolonian micro-kingdoms prior to the War of Unity, persisted in the newly-formed Kingdom of Kerolon as its dominant religion. Keliosity's basic principles entailed the worship of Coppelius, Uingffh's parent planet, as the home of the god Kelios, also known as The All. The united Kingdom of Kerolon's version of Keliosity underwent some minor changes over the succeeding centuries to better align with Kerolon's artistic, intellectual culture; this version of Keliosity became known as Kerolonian Keliosity.
First Age of Imperium (1200-1580)[]

Flag adopted by the Kingdom of Kerolon during its tenure as a globe-spanning empire
By the beginning of the 13th Century, Kerolon had grown into one of the most prosperous and influential nations on Uingffh under the rules of first monarchs Otho, Gauss, and Nero and the newly-appointed second reigning monarch, Queen Sirona Grannus Kerolon. The Kingdom, already a prominent hotspot for the arts and scientific advancements, was now becoming one of the first nations on Uingffh to industrialize; capitalism was also beginning to arise as Kerolon's dominant economic system, contributing to Kerolon's economic growth.
This economic and cultural prosperity, however, also gave rise to imperialist sentiment amongst Kerolonian natives, who desired to spread the Kingdom of Kerolon's prosperity outside of the Kerolon region (termed the "aetherland") to other parts of the moon. Some particularly nationalistic Kerolonians believed in the inherent genetic superiority of Kerolonians as a race and advocated for the subjugation and "civilization" of other peoples they viewed as primitive and savages. Ever-growing businesses and corporations, which flourished under Kerolon's nascent capitalism, viewed imperialism as an opportunity to gain access to new resources and larger markets. Devout Keliosites also supported Kerolonian imperialism, seeking to convert foreigners to Keliosity. Some Kerolonians supported imperialism simply out of a curiosity about the rest of Uingffh.
Kerolonian Island Conquests and the Rise of the Conquerators (1200-1250)[]
Thus, the 13th Century marked the beginning of a period of Kerolonian history known as the First Age of Imperium, which was marked by conquests of foreign lands. Kerolon began by colonizing various islands off the shore of Kerolon, such as Kirbani Island, during the first half of the 13th Century; to this end, Queen Sirona sent trained explorers, later dubbed Conquerators, on long sea voyages to these islands. There, they recorded information about the islands' resources, environment, and native societies (if any) before returning to Kerolon to exchange this information with Her Majesty. Thanks to advances in sea-based travel and ship construction, the vast majority of Conquerators safely returned to the kingdom mainland.
The Kingdom then sent more Kerolonians of various backgrounds to settle these islands and claim them as Kerolonian territory. Most of these island colonies became successful, particularly in the agriculture sector; their tropical environment allowed for the cultivation and growth of numerous crops, including a few newly-discovered ones. However, this came at the expense of the islands' natives, who suffered from not only oppression and mistreatment from Kerolonian colonists, but also diseases imported from Kerolon. Diseases imported from the islands, meanwhile, seldom impacted Kerolon due to its advances in medicine and healthcare; despite this, most doctors made no move to help treat ill natives, viewing them as less important than the economic prosperity colonization brought them.
These first island colonizations corresponded with the introduction of racial discrimination into Kerolonian culture. Kerolonian playwrights and writers stereotyped native Uingffhian islanders as backwards and savage while praising Kerolonians as civilized and mature. On some colonies, noblemen utilized natives as slave labor on massive plantations; in extreme cases, conquerators outright massacred natives, such as when Conquerator Kitconnorius rei Tharsis massacred the native Nargent tribe on the island of Kerulum.
Formation of the Order of Scentrilla[]

Flag of the Order of Scentrilla.
A notable conquerator during Kerolon's island conquest era was Scentile rei Scentrilla, who, alongside her subordinate knights played an integral role in the conquests of multiple islands including the large Kirbani Island.
For their efforts in securing colonies for the Kingdom of Kerolon, Scentile rei Scentrilla and her subordinates were not only granted the noble title of rei, but also awarded status as an order of chivalry by Queen Sirona and the Keliostic Church in around 1235; Conquerator rei Scentrilla stepped up as the order's grandmaster. This order, the Order of Scentrilla, was the first order of chivalry formed in the Kingdom of Kerolon.
The formation of the Order of Scentrilla forced Kerolon to establish a management system for future members of the order as well as for members of future orders. The monarchy or church would take responsibility of appointing future grandmasters, who themselves held the responsibility of appointing their senior knights, generals, and admirals. Scentrilla's formation also established the traditions of granting the nobiliary particle of rei and the name of the order as a surname, though both would become voluntary in later years.
The order of Scentrilla notably established black as its signature color. Conquerator Scentile chose this color to represent the smoke and soot that covered Kirbani battlefields after her conquest of the island. Later orders would keep with this tradition and adopt their own signature colors.
Colonization of the Ulstonian Supercontinent (1250-1400)[]

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh circa 1250.
By the middle of the 13th Century, Kerolon had established dominion over most of the islands in the eastern Liyingffhian and Tornelingffhian oceans. In 1245, Sirona Grannus Kerolon had passed away, with her heir (somale term for son/daughter) Mesmo Martius Kerolon taking the Aeonium Throne in her place. As ring, Mesmo changed the focus of Kerolonian imperialism from island conquests to land conquests.
Ring Mesmo spread new supporting arguments for Kerolonian imperialism resembling the 18th Century American cultural belief of Manifest Destiny. According to Mesmo and fir supporters, Kerolon held not only a duty, but also a destiny to conquer the entirety of the Ulstonian supercontinent. Much like Kerolonian imperialism under Queen Sirona, Mesmo's Kerolonian "Manifest Destiny" was riddled with racist rhetoric, with fir beliefs driving notions of Kerolonian racial superiority. Many Kerolonian colonists claimed to have a duty to "civilize" foreign peoples, whom they deemed savage and backwards.
Kerolonian Conquest of Osuwa[]
The first region to be invaded was the Osuwa region, or the northeastern parts of the Ulstonian supercontinent, during the rest of the 13th Century. At the time, various native tribes in varying stages of development inhabited Osuwa; some continued to live hunter-gatherer lifestyles while others pursued sedentary lifestyles. Regardless of lifestyle, however, these tribes were vastly outclassed by the Kingdom of Kerolon territorially, technologically, and militarily; within less than a decade, Kerolon had established control over the entirety of the Osuwa region and had begun developing prosperous colonies that exploited Osuwa's plentiful natural resources.
The annexation of Osuwa came at the expense of not only the natural environment, but also the Osuwan natives, whom the Kerolonian colonists invariably oppressed under their new rule. Kerolon not only enslaved or even outright massacred native Osuwans, but also endeavored to suppress and erase native Osuwan culture to promote its own, self-proclaimed "civilized" culture; for instance, the Kingdom set up numerous boarding schools for native children to be assimilated into Kerolonian culture. In the process, teachers would use violent methods such as physical beating, deliberate starvation, and deliberate thirst to force the children to adopt Kerolonian cultural traditions. Hundreds of natives died in this manner throughout the colonization of Osuwa.
Kerolonian imperialism also contributed to the suffering of native Osuwans in unintentional ways; for instance, diseases imported from Kerolon spread rapidly amongst the ill-adapted people of the Osuwa region, wiping out many native populations that saw relatively low direct intervention and/or combat from Kerolonian colonists. This phenomenon worked the other way as well, with diseases from Osuwa coming to infect Kerolonians; however, due to the more advanced state of Kerolonian healthcare, Osuwan diseases affected Kerolon significantly less severely than Kerolonian diseases did on Osuwans.
Kerolonian Conquest of Nerusgol[]

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the invasion of the Osuwa region.
Mesmo then had Kerolon conquer the Nerusgol sea region in the early 14th Century for its arable farmland and large water supply. At the time, various small, warring kingdoms similar to the ones inhabiting Kerolon pre-War of Unity inhabited the land areas around the sea. Mesmo used similar tactics to Kerolon's original founders to conquer Nerusgol, seeding support for a more stable rule under Kerolon amongst the Nerusgan populace while playing local rulers into deeper rivalries in order to weaken their strength. This proved successful, with the Nerusgans staging revolutions while allowing Kerolonian troops to occupy the region. However, Kerolon ultimately betrayed the Nerusgans by restricting them to marginalized positions in Kerolonian society on the basis of their race, with the Nerusgans becoming a significant source of cheap, poorly-paid labor. Kerolon's still-growing military might quelled any revolts staged by the Nerusgans against Kerolon.
Kerolonian Conquest of Kelargar, the Great Bar, and Jebellion[]
Afterwards, the Kingdom declared war against the nation of Kelargar, whose unique food, goods, and culture attracted Ring Mesmo's attention. Initially, Kerolon had the upper hand, with its much larger armies easily overpowering Kelargar's. However, Kelargar soon chose to ally with neighboring nations in the Great Bar and Jebellion, resulting in much stronger resistance to Kerolonian colonization. This prompted Kerolon to enact its first-ever military draft, sending millions of young tabulons out to war; though it took some time to train these new recruits for battle, their enlistment ultimately turned the war to Kerolon's side. By the end of the 14th Century, Kerolon had conquered all three of its enemies. The Kingdom then proceeded to stereotype Kelargar and the Great Bar's inhabitants as barbaric and dangerous for their combined efforts to resist Kerolonian colonizations and performed numerous massacres against them; death toll estimates reach as high as 1.25 million, with many historians qualifying these massacres as a genocide.

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the invasions of Nerusgol, Kelargar, Jebellion, and the Great Bar.
Jebellians, meanwhile, received rather lenient treatment in comparison due to the Kingdom's unusually large population of Jebellian immigrants whose origin traces back to before the First Age of Imperium; nonetheless, Kerolonians viewed non-Kerolon-born Jebellians with suspicion.
Kerolonian Conquest of Morbidia[]
Kerolon then endeavored to conquer the Morbidia region, which unlike previous regions was dominated by members of the Lordion species. During Kerolon's expansionism, Morbidia existed under the control of a relatively powerful, united feudal kingdom with competent militias; as such, the Kerolon Empire refrained from attempting to invade it until after the conquest of the rest of Ulstonia, which then allowed it to stage an attack against Morbidia from multiple sides. This attack began in the 1400s and would last until the middle of the 15th Century, with significant losses on both sides.
To conquer Morbidia, Kerolon took advantage of its status as a feudal society; though Morbidia was more united than Kerolon's other rival nations such as Nerusgol, its many influential noble families still acted in their own self-interests and yielded high amounts of authority on their own. Kerolonian diplomats negotiated with more lenient noble families and promised special noble status in Kerolonian society if they agreed to establish their territory as part of Kerolon. As for more hostile noble families, Kerolonian insurgents encouraged infighting amongst them in order to weaken their power and eventually invade them with force. These tactics proved successful, with the Kerolon Empire gaining control of Morbidia by roughly 1447, but not without an estimated 750,000 casualties on the Kerolon side and 950,000 casualties on the Morbidian side.
The treatment of lordions in Kerolonian society was complex. The handful of lordion families who cooperated with Kerolon and ceded their domains were exceptionally well-regarded by the nation's tabulons and went on to prosper for generations. In stark contrast, the millions of other lordions either opposing Kerolonian imperialism or part of the Morbidian lower class experienced some of the worst discrimination in Kerolon society. Kerolon did not wipe them out, viewing death as too merciful a fate for them; instead, Kerolonian tabulons subjected lordions to extremely intense and arduous slave labor on plantations and other estates. Kerolonian education would also emphasize the perceived genetic inferiority and savagery of the sentient race, with lynchings and murders of lordions by tabulons growing common. Ironically, the aforementioned affluent lordion families, viewing themselves as a separate, superior race to the lower-class lordions, would often mistreat lordion slaves the worst.
Morbidia's conquest marked the completion of Kerolon's annexation of Ulstonia.
Formation of the Orders of Kerbos and Novus[]
During Kerolon's land conquest era, the Kingdom established two new orders of chivalry.

Flag of the Order of Kerbos.
The first of these two orders was the Order of Kerbos, which Kerolon formed out of Conquerator Polaris vir Kerbos and her subordinates in 1385. vir Kerbos (christened rei Kerbos following the formation of her order) earned her status as grandmaster of the Kerbos Order for her efforts in conquering both Osuwa and Nerusgol. Notably, Polaris actually originated as a Kelargan merchant who settled and eventually rose in Kerolonian society; because she had risen to honor and chivalry before the conquest of Kelargar and the formation of the Korndelia Caste System, she was not subject to the racial discrimination that came with them, being viewed as an "honorary Kerolonian" by the Empire's populace and government. Polaris chose orange as its signature color to represent the orange-colored deserts of Osuwa, which formed the location of many of its battles during the conquest of Osuwa.

Flag of the Order of Novus.
The second new order, the Order of Novus, formed in 1401 after the royal family appointed Conquerator Siliskus vir Novus and his legion of knights chivalric order status. The members of the Order of Novus had played an integral role in not only the war against the joint forces of Kelargar, Jebellion, and the Great Bar; but also the conversion of thousands of Kelargans, Jebellians, and Barians into devout followers of Keliosity, warranting the establishment of their order. The Knights of Novus adopted green as their signature color due to its significance in Keliosity, representing the repentance of sin.
Creation of the Korndelia Caste System[]
By the time Kerolon conquered Kelargar, Jebellion, and the Great Bar, the non-Kerolonians subjugated by the Kingdom (at this point touted as an empire), had grown increasingly hard to manage. Their Kerolonian masters struggled to organize them and determined their worth. In response to this, imperial advisor Kormin Korndelia proposed the creation of a racial caste system placing tabulons and lordions into different societal rankings and positions based off of their origin. Kerolonians would be at the top of this system and would enjoy the most freedom and control of all the groups in the system. Ring Mesmo readily supported this plan, thus leading to the establishment of the Korndelia System circa November 5, 1405.
Under the Korndelia Caste System, Kerolonians occupied the top of the social pyramid as Kormin promised. Below the Kerolonians, in order, were Jebellians, Nerusgans, Osuwans, Kelargans, Barians, and finally all members of the lordion species. Exceptions to this caste system, however, did exist; for instance, non-Kerolonian tabulon war heroes like Polaris rei Kerbos or the compliant lordion nobles did not find themselves marginalized and were instead granted "honorary Kerolonian" status. Kormin and Mesmo also included provisions ensuring that any groups of people newly subjugated into the Empire of Kerolon would have a place in the Korndelia.
Kerolon Conquers the Uingffhian Island Continents (1450-1556)[]

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the invasion of the Kingdom of Morbidia.
Morbidia's conquest meant the realization of Ring Mesmo and other Kerolonian colonialists' dream of conquering the entirety of Ulstonia. By then, however, a new monarch had taken the Aeonium Throne: Rictell Sorges Kerolon, who ascended to the position of king after Mesmo's death in 1431.
King Rictell took Mesmo's ambition to conquer Ulstonia even further, desiring the conquest of the entirety of Uingffh itself. Most Kerolonian citizens shared Rictell's desires and supported further conquests as well. To this end, the Empire of Kerolon began declaring war on nations inhabiting the various smaller island continents populating Uingffh's oceans.
Kerolonian Conquests of Bagyo and Flornelia[]
During the second half of the 15th Century, Century, Kerolon conquered the Bagyo Isles off the coast of the Osuwa region. Much like Osuwa, the Bagyo Isles were inhabited by a collection of disorganized tribes of varying nature.
Conquerator Farlo rei Magellan first claimed the islands as colonies of the Kerolon Empire in 1458. However, the natives resisted Kerolonian authority, so King Rictell dispatched the Kerolonian imperial army and imperial navy, who quickly defeated and subjugated the indigenous Bagyans due to Kerolon's superior technology. For their dissent against the Kerolonian Empire, the Bagyans not only were placed at the very bottom of the Korndelia caste system's tabulon ranks as unpaid slave labor, but also had their native culture erased; Kerolon censored their culture and had Keliostic missionaries work to convert Bagyan natives to Keliosity often through unethical means.

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the invasion of the Bagyo Isles.
Kerolon also conquered the Flornelian island continent, which laid off the coast of Kelargar, during this time. Unlike the conquest of Bagyo, the conquest of Flornelia proved relatively uneventful and nonviolent for Kerolon due to its already-sparse population; within a few years, the entirety of the continent alongside all of its adjacent islands officially fell under Kerolonian control. Most of the few natives that did reside on the continent were killed off by diseases imported from Kerolon; the few that did survive were granted an intermediate position in the Korndelia system.
Kerolonian Conquests of Uopia and Uveerius[]

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the settlement of Flornelia.
Following the conquests of Bagyo and Flornelia, the Kerolonian Empire proceeded to simultaneously invade Uveerius and Uopia, the two island continents located in the Oblivingffhian Ocean, during the early 16th Century. King Rictell dispatched conquerators Tychean rei Sheploup and Liberius rei Elektra to naval fleets sent to conquer the two island continents.
However, Sheploup and Elektra quickly found themselves overwhelmed by Uveerius and Uopia's own naval forces, which proved surprisingly advanced and powerful. After the two returned to the Kerolonian mainland, they notified King Rictell of their losses; in response, King Rictell chose to increase taxes on the Kerolonian colonies to fund the development and strengthening of Kerolon's own navy. Kerolon constructed new, more powerful ships while retrofitting older ones with more up-to-date technology such as stronger hulls and better cannons. In 1536, Sheploup and Elektra attacked Uveerius and Uopia once more; thanks to Kerolon's strengthened navy, they succeeded in conquering both by 1540.
When settlers began settling the newly-conquered island continents, they encountered not only indigenous tabulons, but a new species: the blue, crab-like morteus race. The Uveerian and Uopian tabulons occupied most positions of power prior to Kerolon's arrival; due to the two island continents' resistance to Kerolonian occupation, the two tabulon races were ranked rather low on the Korndelia System, just above the Barians. As for the mortei, the Kerolonians found them compliant and significantly easier to deal with; thus, they were awarded a higher rank in the caste system, ending up just below the Jebellians. Nonetheless, the morteus species still suffered from discrimination from the public due to their otherworldly appearance compared to the tabulons, though this would gradually abate throughout coming decades.
Formation of the Order of Uris[]

Flag of the Order of Uris.
The conquests of Uveerius and Uopia also marked the formation of the Order of Uris, the last of the four chivalric orders formed during the First Age of Imperium.
Initially, King Rictell desired to form two new orders - the Order of Sheploup and the Order of Elektra - out of Tychean rei Sheploup and Liberius rei Elektra and their respective knights. However, upon receiving the request, both conquerators declined the offer. Instead, they petitioned the king to award order status to Shin Uriel Uris, another conquerator who had mentored both Sheploup and Elektra and whom the aforementioned two conquerators felt deeply indebted to. In light of Uris' own military accomplishments during many previous conquests, Rictell accepted their request and carried it over to Shin Uriel Uris firself. Uris accepted the offer, and the Order of Uris was thus formed in 1541. Nonetheless, Sheploup and Elektra became the two highest-ranking admirals in the Uris Order at the behest of both King Rictell and Grandmaster Uris - an order the two accepted.
The Order of Uris adopted blue as its signature color upon formation for two main reasons. For one, blue represented the Oblivingffhian Ocean's waters, which formed the setting of many of the battles during the war with Uveerius and Uopia. Secondly, blue was the color of many of the mortei who complied with the colonization of the two island continents. Fittingly, Grandmaster Uris, Sheploup, and Elektra would all show lenience towards not only mortei, but also loyal lordion nobles for their efforts in the Uveerius and Uopia wars; thus, the Order of Uris would see high numbers of mortei and lordions joining its ranks throughout coming years.
Kerolonian Conquest of Liyres[]

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the conquests of Uveerius and Uopia.
The conquests of Uveerius and Uopia left only one Uingffhian landmass unconquered by Kerolon: the crescent-shaped Liyres island continent. King Rictell had it and its people conquered during the middle of the 16th Century.
Because Kerolon had already built up its naval strength during the Uveerius and Uopia wars, Liyres easily crumbled against the military might of Kerolon's fleet. Because of that, the conquest of Liyres proved relatively quick. By just 1556, Kerolon had already secured control of the Liyrian capital of Aldnoah. Any Liyrian natives were granted an intermediate position in the Korndelia caste system.
Age of Reform (1556-1700)[]

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the conquest of Liyres.
With Liyres conquered, Kerolon now held control over all of Uingffh, achieving Rictell's vision of a fully colonized Uingffh under a Kerolon Empire. This marked the historical Kerolon Empire's greatest territorial extent. By then, Kerolon had long since begun the process of industrializing, with a multitude of new technologies surfacing.
In spite of these territorial and technological achievements, however, the global Kerolon Empire would quickly prove its fragile, unstable nature as the nation's politicians and leaders faced - and failed to succeed in - the task of managing all of its newly-acquired colonies and their many dissatisfied, oppressed natives. Throughout succeeding years, various Kerolonian territories would secede from the empire in opposition to various Kerolonian policies, simultaneously encouraging citizens within Kerolon to question Kerolonian social and political norms and push for reform within their own nation. This era would come to be known as the Age of Reform, which also marked the end of the First Age of Imperium (as Kerolon could not conquer any more territory using the technology it possessed at the time).
Osuwan Revolution and the Formation of the Unified States of Osuwa (1561-1584)[]
The first territory to secede from Kerolon was the Osuwa territory, the first and most developed Ulstonian colony of the Kerolonian Empire. Tensions began during the 16th Century, when Kerolon began increasing taxes upon the Osuwan colonists in order to fund the military budget during the conquests of Uveerius, Uopia, and Liyres. This act disillusioned the Osuwans due to the fact that Kerolon had taxed them only very lightly beforehand.
However, taxes would not reach their highest until the late 1550s and early 1560s, when Kerolon increased taxes even more to fund the development of its various newly-acquired colonies. Notably, Kerolon passed innumerable acts that imposed taxes on seemingly random goods and services; for instance, the 1559 Iye Act imposed a 3 imperial ster-tax for each Iye (an Osuwa-native bestia/animal domesticated by many affluent Osuwans) an Osuwan owned. But more importantly, Kerolonian police officers grew stricter and harsher in punishing tax evaders. On some occasions, Kerolonian law enforcement officials would torture Osuwan citizens in public for not paying enough in taxes. However, this only encouraged Osuwans to rebel even more, eventually leading to a full-scale revolution. Furthermore, these actions led to the growth of anti-monarchist sentiment amongst Osuwans, who viewed the fact that Kerolon taxed them without representing them in its government in any way unfair.
The Osuwan Revolution is considered to have started in 1561, when Osuwan colonists began fighting back against Kerolonian law enforcement officials in large numbers across the Osuwa region. The colonists demanded that Kerolon either ease its taxes on them, or form a parliament that would represent them in governmental affairs. At this point, King Rictell declared Osuwa in a state of rebellion and ordered the deployment of troops into the region; however, not only did the Osuwans successfully fight back using their local militias, but also many Kerolonian soldiers sympathized with the Osuwan cause and defected onto the rebels' side.
However, the Osuwan Revolution's most notable acts came in the form of alternative, non-armed protests, which were high in number. One of the most notable examples was the Halbert Yummy Star Sacrifice of November 14, 1565, when Osuwans trekked to the summit of Mt. Halbert, the easternmost of the Kerolon Plateau's volcanoes, and threw 1,776 containers of yummy star fruits into the mountain's caldera in protest of the Yummy Stellar Act, which gave Kerolon's yummy star growing company Yummy Stellar a monopoly on Osuwan yummy star fruits. Other unique acts of defiance included the formation of the Heirs of Freedom, an all-somale group of Osuwans who manufactured goods for Osuwans as a substitute for exorbitantly-priced goods imported from Kerolon.
None of these protests proved sufficient enough to convince King Rictell to enact tax or political reforms. Instead, in 1572, he forcefully reorganized the Osuwan colonies into the Imperial Dominion of Osuwa, where he installed staunch Rictell loyalist Anehta rei Efil as its near-dictatorial governor. In addition to designing the Dominion to strip Osuwan colonists of their political and civil autonomy, King Rictell also passed a series of acts, nicknamed the Insufferable Acts, that significantly harshened punishments for Osuwans who defied Kerolonian rule.
In response, the Osuwan colonists revolted once again, experiencing quick success due to the overconfidence of Governor Efil and Rictell's other royalists. But this time, instead of simply demanding reform from the Kerolonian government, the Osuwans chose to have their 15 colonies secede into a new nation - the democratic Unified States of Osuwa - on July 4, 1576. Revolutionary war hero Haris Yang-Moof became the first president of this new republican nation while the Iphelia Family - a former Kerolonian noble family strongly supportive of the Osuwan revolutionary cause - supplied the nation various important resources.
Enraged, King Rictell immediately declared war on the fledgling Unified States, marking the beginning of the Osuwan Revolutionary War. Fighting would last for 8 years and see numerous casualties and untold devastation on both sides. Eventually, on June 2, 1584, King Rictell and Osuwan diplomat Helagard rei Iphelia ended the war by signing the Treaty of Kirbani, which officially recognized the Unified States of Osuwa as an independent nation. Kerolon chose to sign it in order to focus on another rebellion - Regalius' Rebellion and the formation of Morbidia - occurring in the west. By the treaty's signing, 16,800 Osuwan soldiers and 18,500 Kerolonian soldiers had perished in battle.

Rough estimated political map of Uingffh following the secession of Osuwa.
The Osuwan Revolution significantly impacted Kerolonian politics and society. The Osuwan revolutionary war damaged the economic, political, and social stability of the nation, causing the Kingdom to lose control of its Jebellion, Great Bar, and Bagyo Isles colonies, which became neutral territories that Osuwa would later invade. The formation of the Unified States shattered the nationalistic pride the Kerolonian populace had adopted thanks to the Kerolon Empire's conquest of the world. But more importantly, the revolution granted already-dissatisfied Kerolonian subjects the confidence and inspiration to spark change and rebel themselves. The Osuwan Revolution is credited with helping spark the Korroway riots that would lead to the formation of Kerolon's parliament and the rebellion that would lead to the formation of the Great Morbidian Hegemony.
Korroway Riots of 1580 and the Formation of the Kerolonposium[]
The outbreak of the Osuwan Revolution and the adoption of democracy as Osuwa's governmental system inspired the Kerolonian populace to think more critically of the Kerolonian governmental system. Noticing and desiring the Osuwans' high political freedom, Kerolonian citizens began calling for the establishment of a more democratic system of government for the Kerolonian homeland. This led to the outbreak of numerous pro-democracy protests throughout the latter half of the 1570s.
As a supporter of absolute monarchy, King Rictell ordered the imperial army to suppress pro-democracy protests and carry out harsh punishments against those who questioned royal authority. However, the army proved ineffective in halting the protests partly due to the extraordinary numbers of protesters and partly due to many soldiers defecting onto the side of the democrats as sympathizers with the protests.
Kerolonian political freedom protests culminated in the Korroway Riots of October 16, 1580, when an estimated 12,000 democratic protesters attacked the Kerolonian palace in Korroway with the intent of removing the monarchy from power and establishing a democracy in its place. Compared to other protests, however, the rioters faced difficulty in taking the palace thanks to the efforts of the Kerbitalis Knights, Rictell's elite guard of 16 skilled warriors. Unrest would continue for over a day until the Kerbitalis Knights successfully removed the protestors from the palace during the early morning hours of October 17. By then, 170 protesters had died while another 760 suffered minor to severe injuries.
However, the Kerbitalis Knights, though loyal to the crown, also sympathized with the republicans' cause and sought to achieve some form of compromise between the two groups. Over the next few months, the Knights would mediate more civilized discussions between King Rictell and the democracy supporters. Eventually, on December 25, 1580, King Rictell conceded to establish a democratically elected parliament - the Kerolonposium - and shift his role into that of a constitutional monarch.
Kerolonians celebrated the formation of the Kerolonposium, but King Rictell - or more aptly, the monarchy in general - still held considerable influence in governmental affairs. When he established the Kerolonposium, he adopted a bicameral system consisting of a lower house (the House of the Lower) tasked with creating legislation and an upper house (the House of the Affluent) tasked with checking legislation. The House of the Affluent notably consisted of nobles loyal to Rictell and the crown, allowing Rictell to control the passage of laws to a degree. However, the monarchy and nobility's role in parliament would gradually subside throughout succeeding centuries as Kerolon continued to democratize and reform.
Regalius' Rebellion and the Formation of the Great Imperial Hegemony of Morbidia (1578-1585)[]
The final major revolt during the Age of Reform was Regalius' Rebellion, which led to the formation of the Great Morbidian Hegemony out of Kerolon's Morbidian colony.
The Osuwan Revolution's progression inspired many lordions, whom Kerolonian colonists had largely enslaved following the Morbidia region's annexation into Kerolon, to rise up and fight for their own rights. This began as intermittent slave and servant revolts across the Morbidia colony which slaveowners quickly put down; in response to the rebellions, the Kerolonians harshened their treatment of their lordion servants in order to prevent more revolts. However, this ultimately served to not only further strengthen lordion opposition, but also encourage the lordions to revolt in more creative ways.
The lordion revolts eventually culminated in the rise of Regalius Rilna Mortimer, one of the most radical lordions at the time, to public prominence in 1578. Taking advantage of the weakened state of Kerolonian law enforcement at the time thanks to instability wrought by the Osuwan Revolution, Regalius spread strong anti-Kerolonian, Morbidian separatist sentiment across the Morbidian region, reaching many lordions and their non-lordion supporters through posters, literature, pamphlets, and other means. In these pieces of media, Regalius attacked imperial Kerolonian values such as imperialism, speciesism, capitalism, monarchism, and more while asserting the superiority and resistance of lordion culture. But more importantly, as a rather intelligent tactician and strategist, Regalius shared more sophisticated methods to revolt against Kerolonian slaveowners and disrupt Kerolonian society through his media, allowing for an increase in the effectiveness and severity of lordion revolts throughout 1578 and 1579.
Formation and Outlawing of the Anti-Imperialist Natives' Alliance (AINA)[]
But then, the Kerolonposium formed in 1580 - a move Regalius quickly used to his advantage by gathering himself and his supporters into a political party - the Anti-Imperialist Natives' Alliance (AINA), which advocated for the granting of independence to Kerolonian colonies like Morbidia as well as civil rights for non-Kerolonian tabulons - on April 22, 1581. Though enforcement of the Korndelia System was already beginning to fall apart at the time, the Kerolonposium's House of the Affluent initially refused to recognize the AINA due to its leadership under Regalius, a non-tabulon; however, Regalius worked around this barrier by only registering his tabulon supporters as parliamentary representatives, which allowed the party to join the parliament.
During its brief tenure as a parliamentary party, the AINA proposed various pieces of legislation aimed at improving the lives of non-Kerolonian tabulons, such as bills that would repeal the Korndelia System or guarantee basic rights for said groups. Unfortunately, both the rest of the lower house and King Rictell's House of the Affluent blocked the vast majority of the AINA's proposed bills, significantly limiting its actual political power.
Eventually, on February 10, 1584, the Kerolonposium voted to outlaw the AINA on the basis of "promoting dissent and degeneracy", with all of its tabulon representatives being not only booted from parliament, but also prosecuted under accusations of terrorism. This motivated Regalius into abandoning his earlier strategies of working within the system and instead turning to all-out rebellion, leading to the Stantain Provincial Capital Riots.
Stantain Provincial Capital Riots[]
During the morning hours of April 27, 1584, a mob of 9,500-11,000 Mortimer supporters and former AINA supporters launched a violent attack against the Kerolonian provincial capital at Stantain. This was part of a coordinated effort by Regalius Rilna Mortimer to expel Kerolonian colonists and colonial governor Saria rei Sancha from the Morbidia region and allow the lordions to reclaim their ancestral homeland as an independent nation free from perceived Kerolonian oppression.
In response, the provincial capital building was locked down, with Kerolonian troops blockading the building as other troops facilitated the evacuation of Sancha and the other politicians inside. However, the lordions easily took down the troops using weapons obtained by Regalius prior. Stealing the guards' weapons and adding them to their own arsenal, the protestors broke into the provincial capital building and engaged in defacement, vandalism, and looting. They burned all Kerolon flags, assaulted any Union officers and employees, and set up bombs all over the building; an estimated 12,000 rioters entered and occupied the provincial capital. Outside, Mortimer supporters erected a mock gallows and carried out the mock executions of Sancha, King Rictell, and other notable colonial officials with effigies.
At approximately 14:00 UTC that day, the rioters caught Sancha and other politicians mid-evacuation. Shooting the Kerolonian troops on-sight, the protestors captured Sancha and the other politicians and brought them to the outside of the provincial capital building, where she and the others were broadcasted on international television in gags and handcuffs. Regalius Rilna Mortimer himself then appeared on the scene and personally tortured and executed the politicians in front of live television, with Saria rei Sancha's beheading occuring at 15:00 UTC. With the colonial governor of the Morbidia colony dead, Kerolon's control over the Morbidia region crumbled; after killing Sancha, Regalius Rilna Mortimer proclaimed the formation of the Great Imperial Hegemony of Morbidia, seating himself as its first Great Hegemon.
Morbidian Revolutionary War and the Battle of Stantain[]
Regalius' declaration of Morbidia's independence sparked another revolutionary war, the Morbidian Revolutionary War. Compared to the Osuwan Revolutionary War, the Morbidian Revolutionary War lasted much shorter and ended by 1585, yet proved much more violent.
The climax of the war was the August 17 Battle of Stantain, an estimated 120,000 Kerolonian troops marched into the Stantain provisional capital. 45,6000 Mortimer supporters moved in to combat the Kerolonians; despite their inferior numbers, the Morbidian forces succeeded in holding their own against the Kerolonians, as both Kerolonian morale and military supplies had run low following the Osuwan Revolutionary War. Skirmishes between Morbidian and Kerolonian forces continued for several days near the border of Stantain, with the Kerolonian forces just barely being able to breach the perimeter of the city on August 19.
Regalius Rilna Mortimer, having foreseen the intervention of the imperial Kerolonian military, had set up bombs all over the superstructure forming the foundation of the Kerolon-built Stantain City beforehand; at midnight on August 20, he detonated them as the Kerolonian troops began to enter the city. This resulted in the superstructure and the city above to collapse, in turn resulting in the loss of an estimated 112,000 of the 120,000 Kerolonian soldiers. The city's collapse also allowed the cannons installed underneath the city prior to the rise of Regalius to emerge under Regalius' control and fire at other forces arriving to assist the main Stantain force, resulting in their quick retreat by the afternoon hours of August 20.
With the Kerolonian military in shambles and the Morbidian forces greatly emboldened with large amounts of public and military support, the Morbidian Hegemony's forces began steadily forcing Kerolonian troops out of Morbidia as Kerolonian morale dampened even further. Eventually, on February 21, 1585 - exactly one Uingffhian year after the formation of Morbidia - Supreme Leader Regalius and Kerolonian Prime Minister Polyphemus rei Pandorus signed the Treaty of Mt. Guel, which recognized Morbidia's independence, marking the revolutionary war's end.
Uveerius and Uopia Riots and the admission of Uveerius and Uopia into Morbidia[]
The success of Regalius' Rebellion inspired similar revolutionary sentiment in the Uveerian and Uopian island continents, where word of Morbidia's formation quickly spread thanks to their relatively proximity to Morbidia's territory. Desiring to preserve their own rich indigenous culture, the Uveerian and Uopian natives began rebelling against Kerolonian control a few months after Morbidia's declaration of independence.
As the Osuwan and Morbidian revolutions had significantly overwhelmed and worn down Kerolonian troops, the Uveerians and Uopians very quickly succeeded in overthrowing their respective colonial regimes - Uveerius overthrew its colonial government in June 1584 while Uopia did so in July. However, rather than forming their own independent nations, Uveerius and Uopia requested to join the Morbidian Hegemony upon liberating themselves from Kerolonian rule. This was mostly a strategic maneuver, as the Uveerians and Uopians' defense forces were not nearly as powerful as Morbidia's, and would likely be defeated by Kerolon once the kingdom recovered its strength.

Political map of Uingffh following the passage of the Anti-Kerolon Alliance Act
Great Hegemon Regalius accepted Uveerius and Uopia's request for admission into Morbidia on September 20, 1584 in his Anti-Kerolon Alliance Act; though he had decided on admitting them far earlier, the Battle of Stantain forced him to delay the act's passage. Nonetheless, the combined strength of Uveerius, Uopia, and Morbidia helped the Hegemony secure its victory against Kerolon and maintain its independence. Though the alliance was created as a strategic one, Uveerius and Uopia would ultimately remain part of Morbidia due to the Hegemony's fierce support of multiculturalism, which satisfied the Uveerians and Uopians' demands. Additionally, the Uveerians and Uopians tolerated Morbidia's dictatorship due to the island continents themselves existing as absolute monarchies prior to Kerolonian invasion.
Geptunia Revolution (1632-1633)[]
The Osuwan and Morbidian secessions, along with the formation of the Kerolonposium, significantly stressed the pro-imperialist King Rictell. Eventually, on September 8, 1631, Rictell Sorges Kerolon passed away from stress-related health conditions; this led to the crowning of the fifth Kerolonian monarch, Queen Geptunia Sylandro Kerolon, in early 1632.
Geptunia proved to be a highly unpopular and controversial ruler due to her supercilious nature. As queen, Geptunia would live a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the poor and middle classes, who languished in even deeper poverty under her rule. Geptunia would impose excessive taxes on Kerolon's citizens only to use her money to construct extravagant palaces, stables, and other objects of luxury. Additionally, the queen would prevent the Kerolonposium from interfering with her luxurious lifestyle by lobbying the House of the Affluent's pro-monarchy nobles into rejecting most bills aimed at restricting her power.
Geptunia's selfishness and vanity caused the Kerolonian people to ignite a revolution against her less than a year after she took the crown. This revolution proved swift in nature, as royal soldiers, themselves suffering under Geptunia's rule, turned on the monarchy and participated in the rebellion; together, disgruntled Kerolonians sacked cities and burned any and all objects associated with or promoting Geptunia.
Queen Geptunia's true undoing, however, came at the hands of a fellow royal: the older Wexxia Sylandro Kerolon. Shortly after the revolutions began, deposed princess Wexxia came out of hiding and revealed that her younger sister Geptunia had blackmailed her into exile in a bid for power; specifically, Geptunia threatened to expose her sister's romantic history with other women if she failed to allow her to take the crown. When Wexxia revealed her past to the rebels after coming out of hiding, however, the rebels supported her and sought to install her as queen instead of Geptunia.
Eventually, near the end of 1633, a storm of Kerolonians led by Wexxia stormed Geptunia's palace and ransacked Geptunia's luxurious belongings. Shortly afterwards, they captured Geptunia herself and subsequently imprisoned her for corruption, blackmailing, and a wealth of other crimes. In 1634, Queen Geptunia was executed, after which Kerolon crowned Wexxia as the next queen of the Kingdom of Kerolon.
Wexxian Age of Freedom (1634-1650)[]
As Kerolon's sixth queen, Wexxia Sylandro Kerolon encouraged the passage of a number of legislative acts encouraging progressive causes. These moves received sizeable support from the Kerolonian populace and the Kerolonposium's House of the Lower, who had become disillusioned with more traditional social norms after Queen Geptunia abused them. This led to the final phase of the Age of Kerolonian Reform: the Wexxian Age of Freedom, named for the significant increases in personal freedoms during the era.
First came the rise of LGBTQ+ rights, which became a relevant issue due to Wexxia's own history of same-sex relationships serving a crucial role in the Geptunia Revolution. Wexxia's positive leadership, combined with the widespread skepticism of traditionalism brought about by Geptunia's downfall, incurred Kerolonians into viewing non-heterosexual relationships and attraction in a more favorable light. Beginning in around 1636, Kerolon began decriminalizing and recognizing non-traditional marriages (i.e. not consisting of one male, one female, and one somale), becoming the first nation to do so; when the Kerolonposium passed the Free Marriage Act on June 17, 1634, Kerolon became the first nation on Uingffh to legalize non-heterosexual marriage. This was soon followed by increased acceptance of transgender identities as well as gender nonconformity.
Soon after came increases in gender equality, with Kerolonians abandoning traditional gender norms prioritizing somales. Though the problematic reigns of King Rictell and Queen Geptunia brought about some skepticism about men and women's ability to lead, the competent leadership of Wexxia and variously newly-appointed male and female parliamentarians renewed confidence in non-somale leadership. Kerolon had always been rather loose in its gender norms compared to other nations, but the Age of Freedom saw even more men and women rising into positions of power and respect.
Abolition of the Korndelia System[]
One of the most significant moves during the Age of Freedom was the abolition of the Korndelia caste system, which had already begun to fall apart after the Osuwan and Morbidian rebellions.
The events that would set the Korndelia system's fall in motion began on August 11, 1638, when a mob of self-proclaimed Kerolonian supremacists attempted to lynch the morteus Lilacina von Nurnberg. Though they severely injured her, Lilacina escaped, after which she used her story to spread awareness of discrimination against not only non-tabulons, but also non-Kerolonian tabulons.
Kerolon's populace had begun supporting racial and species equality long before Lilacina's attempted lynching; however, Lilacina's activism encouraged the citizenry and government to take action and push for anti-discrimination legislation. Throughout the rest of 1638 and 1639, Kerolonians staged many peaceful protests advocating for the repeal of the Korndelia System and the passage of legislation ensuring equal rights for all people living in Kerolon.
These reforms were quickly answered by the Kerolonposium. On June 6, 1639, they passed the 779 a.r.k. Racial Integration and Species Equality (RISE) Act, which formally abolished the Korndelia Caste system and guaranteed all individuals living in Kerolon basic citizenship rights. This act was highly celebrated by not only non-tabulons and non-Kerolonians, but also the significant supportive Kerolonian population. Additionally, the RISE act proved crucial in allowing Kerolon to maintain control of its remaining colonies, which beforehand had begun to experience growing unrest due to racial and species inequality.
Abolition of the House of the Affluent and the Fall of Kerolonian Feudalism[]
Though the RISE act quickly passed, it did experience a notable barrier in the form of the House of the Affluent's nobility, which initially attempted to block the act due to the benefits non-tabulon and non-Kerolonian servitude presented to nobles. Though they eventually conceded to the equality activists (partially at the insistence of Queen Wexxia), their resistance to the RISE act, combined with Kerolonians' already-growing disdain for certain traditional values, caused Kerolonians to begin questioning the concept of Kerolonian nobility itself.
Throughout the 1640s, Kerolonians held numerous protests calling for the dismantling of the nobility system. Some protesters demanded the dismantling of the monarchy itself, but these were rarer due to the popularity of Queen Wexxia. However, a sizeable faction of Kerolonian loyalists and nobility supporters expressed their opposition to such an action, believing that nobility and royalty formed a critical part of Kerolonian culture.
Eventually, on July 14, 1646, the protesters and the loyalists struck a compromise with the passage of the One House Act. Though the act allowed the nobility and monarchy to continue existing, it stripped them of much of their political power by abolishing the House of the Affluent. This turned the Kerolonposium into a unicameral, or one house legislature (hence its name), granting the House of the Lower's democratically-elected parliamentarians (and by extension, the Kerolonian people) more political power and freedom.
Though the One House Act did not legally end the existence of the Kerolonian nobility, it did bring about their de facto fall from power and public attention. Their relevance to public life had already begun to decline thanks to the Wexxian Age of Freedom's liberal changes to Kerolonian social norms; the act's stripping of their political power only accelerated their decline. Though some noble families succeeded in holding onto their generational wealth, their influence over Kerolonian society had largely faded away completely by the end of the Age of Freedom in 1650.
Modernization (1650-1776)[]
Near the beginning of 1650, the Kerolonposium and Queen Wexxia passed an act that changed Kerolon's motto to "Education is Freedom" in order to reflect the nation's new, more progressive post-imperial society; specifically, the motto references the increased funding of the public education that occurred during the Age of Freedom, which was done in order to inform future generations on Queen Geptunia and imperial Kerolon's past mistakes and ensure they would not repeat them. This marked the beginning of Kerolon's modernization.
During this era, Kerolon and other Uingffhian nations had begun to modernize, with more advanced technologies such as electricity, wireless communication, etc. becoming more available to the average citizen. High-tech skyscrapers and cities came to accompany Kerolon's traditional buildings, palaces, and historical sites. Meanwhile, the Age of Freedom-era trend of progressivism and social equality continued; Among the reforms achieved were further protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, policies promoting racial and species equality in Kerolonian society, and improved accessibility for both disabled people and neurodivergent people.
Despite Kerolon's growing social progressivism, the Kingdom held on to its cultural roots and practiced its traditions in non-discriminatory ways. For instance, despite the implementation of religious freedom in 1661, Keliosity remained the most dominant religion in Kerolonian society even throughout the modern era. However, discrimination against other religious faiths did markedly decrease throughout the modern era; additionally, the Kerolonposium passed numerous pieces of legislation protecting the rights of other religious faiths and ensuring separation between church and state.
Additionally, the parliament kept the four chivalric orders of Kerolon - Scentrilla, Novus, Kerbos, and Uris - in place, albeit more as ceremonial guards as opposed to actual soldiers. The Kerolonian Parliament responded to criticisms of the orders being symbols of Kerolonian imperialism and racism by readily welcoming members of other racial and species groups into the orders' ranks; the Order of Uris, for instance, came to include a significant amount of lordions and mortei within its ranks, to the point that tabulons became a statistical minority in Uris by 1690. Wexxia Sylandro Kerolon and the Kerolonposium also sent the four orders on charitable missions to less fortunate areas of Uingffh to promote development and charity in an attempt to atone for their previous wrongs as imperial orders. Nonetheless, some non-Kerolonians continued to criticize the orders' charitable moves as shallow, demanding more direct decolonization instead.
Blue Power Initiative[]

Satellite image of Calaklum Ao at peak intensity

Track of Calaklum Ao
Throughout the 17th Century, Uingffh began to suffer from climate disruption brought about by the activities of the three Uingffhian nations, Kerolon included. This climate change made itself most apparent in 1699, when a powerful tropical cyclone by the name of Calaklum Ao devastated much of Kerolon and completely destroyed Korroway, in the process killing Queen Wexxia. In her place, her eldest son Yorgos Basilios Bilionis Kerolon ascended to the Aeonium Throne as Kerolon's sixth monarch.
In addition to necessitating the formation of a formal tropical cyclone tracking service for Kerolon - the Kerolonian Storm Service (KSS) - Calaklum Ao's disastrous consequences raised significant awareness of the negative effects of tabulon, lordion, and morteus activity on the natural Uingffhian environment, leading to the Blue Power Initiative during the early 18th Century. The Blue Power Initiative, whose name referenced Uingffh's bluish vegetation, aimed to devise more eco-friendly means of power generation in order to minimize Kerolon's climatic impact. It also aimed to devise methods to protect Kerolon cities from the adverse effects of natural disasters like tropical cyclones.
Formation of the Council of Nations[]
Formation of the Kerolon Astronomical Division[]
Construction of Sumber Alami[]
Discovery of the Ophisians and Sheepillies[]
Discovery of the Great Pit and the Izlondian Ruins[]