Diagram of the Ingffhaestian System. Distances are not to scale; sizes are roughly to scale. Note that only notable moons are shown in this diagram; smaller, more minor moons have been omitted.

Diagram of the Avimotalian System. Distances are not to scale; sizes are roughly to scale. Note that only notable moons are shown in this diagram; smaller, more minor moons have been omitted.

Diagram of the Heranian System. Distances are not to scale; sizes are roughly to scale. Note that only notable moons are shown in this diagram; smaller, more minor moons have been omitted.
The Ingffhaestian System is a triple star system located 23.6 light-years away from the Sun. It is known to humans as Gliese 105. In total, the system contains 38 planets, though the planets all have S-type orbits (only orbiting one star) and are distributed between the three stars. Also present are comets, asteroids, dwarf planets, and other minor bodies, though these are relatively few in number compared to in the Solar System due to the gravitational influence each of the three component stars have on each other, which renders any large Oort Cloud- or Kuiper Belt-like body unstable. None of the planets were discovered by humans before they made direct contact with the system in the 2040s.
The Ingffhaestian Star System contains three planetary systems. The most massive star and central star, Ingffhaestia, is of spectral class K3V (slightly smaller than the Sun, but still far from a red dwarf) and has 12 planets: 6 terrestrials, 4 gas giants, and 2 ice giants. Orbiting Ingffhaestia with a semimajor axis of roughly 20 astronomical units (AU) is the M7V red dwarf star Avimotalis, which also bears 12 planets. 8 of them are terrestrials while the remaining 4 are all giant planets. The final star, the M4V red dwarf Heranis, orbits Ingffhaestia and Avimotalis at a much larger distance of roughly 1,200 AU and has a planetary system of 10 planets, with 4 of them being terrestrial worlds, 3 being ice giants, and 2 being gas giants.
Ingffhaestia was notably the home system of numerous alien civilizations and nations spanning billions of years, being known for its highly complex history. Billions of years ago, it was the home system of the Drori species and their civilization Izlondia, an ancient society shrouded in mystery. Billions of years later, the system saw the rise of three new civilizations seeded by the Drori before they died out - the tabulons, mortei, and lordions. Two other civilizations, the ophisians and the sheepillies, also arose later; the first three left these two alone to develop on their own, desiring to avoid panspermia or any other unnecessary harm.
Ingffhaestia forms the dominant gravitational component of the Ingffhaestian System, with all other bodies in the system orbiting it to some degree. However, its two companion stars, Avimotalis and Heranis, also exist as significant gravitational centers, harboring numerous satellites of their own.
The Ingffhaestia and Heranis Systems all have structures vastly different from that of our Solar System; both do not abide by the traditional layout of inner terrestrial worlds and outer cold giant planets seen around Sol. Only Avimotalis' planetary system resembles the Solar layout to a degree. However, all three systems' stars make up the vast majority of their respective solar systems' total masses and are mostly composed of hydrogen and helium like most stars are. All three systems also have a notable deficit in outer comets and minor bodies due to their gravitational relationships rending any large-scale outer comet belt unstable in the long-term.
Like the Earth's solar system, the Ingffhaestian System has an equal amount of giant planets and terrestrial planets, though the terrestrial world Ibiridius is theorized to have once been a gas giant that lost much of its thick atmosphere through its rapid rotation; this is supported by the fact that what is left of its atmosphere has a composition rich in hydrogen and helium. Unlike the Solar System, however, the Ingffhaestian planetary system has an exotic layout, with its gas giant planets occupying a variety of orbits such as close to the star or within the Habitable Zone. Meanwhile, all but one of the terrestrial worlds - Deanos - exist as trojans to the giant planets.
Avimotalis' planetary system carries the greatest resemblance to the Earth's solar system; terrestrial planets populate the inner regions of the system while gas giants exist in Heranis' outer orbits. However, Avimotalis' planetary system is much larger, with 8 terrestrial planets in the inner system and 4 giant planets in the outer system. Because of Avimotalis' red dwarf nature, its inner terrestrials are tightly packed in a similar fashion to TRAPPIST-1's planetary system, with resonances between the planets keeping their orbits stable despite their closeness. The gas giants, meanwhile, all have lower masses than Jupiter. The most massive planet (Galavades) is only slightly more massive than Saturn. If they were any more massive, the system would not be stable.
The Heranis System only follows the Solar System's layout of inner terrestrials and outer giants to a low extent. Its three innermost worlds are all relatively small in size and terrestrial, but the first of the larger gas giants - Saryllia - orbits much closer relative to its parent star than the Solar System's gas giants orbit relative to the Sun. Saryllia, like the Ingffhaestian gas giants, bears a terrestrial planet in a trojan orbit: Golorra. The planets orbiting beyond Saryllia follow the Solar System's layout of giant planets more closely, with two more gas giants orbiting inward and three ice giants orbiting beyond them.
Like the Earth's Solar System, all objects in the Ingffhaestia, Avimotalis, and Heranis solar systems all orbit in circular paths on the same plane, or eliptic, while smaller minor bodies such as dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets tend to have more erratic, eccentric, and inclined orbits compared to those of the planets. Minor bodies are relatively few in number due to the influence the three stars have on each other; the few that do exist have even more unusual orbits than many of Earth's minor bodies for the same reason described prior. Many of Ingffhaestia's planets bear host to large systems of moons, with many of them being tidally locked to their parent planets. The Avimotalis and Heranis Systems' planets tend to have less moons due to their systems' compactness, which restricts the number of stable orbits possible moons can have.
Also like the Solar System, most objects in the Ingffhaestian Star System's three component planetary systems orbit in the same direction as Ingffhaestia's rotation (which is counterclockwise) while moons do the same, but with their parent planet. Exceptions to both cases exist and are much more common in small, minor objects like comets, though a few large moons have retrograde orbits.
Formation and evolution[]
All three stars formed roughly 11 billion years ago in a similar fashion to other star systems, beginning as molecular clouds floating in deep space. Ingffhaestia's molecular cloud likely contained a higher concentration of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium than most, which would explain its high amount of gas giants; Avimotalis and Heranis, meanwhile, had less materials in their clouds to form planets.
The molecular clouds then condensed due to gravity until several protoplanetary disks formed with protostars in their centers. Because of Ingffhaestia's metallicity, its protoplanetary disk formed numerous gas giants; some theorize that the gas giants formed further out in orbits similar to the Solar System's gas giants. Meanwhile, Avimotalis and Heranis' smaller, less metal-rich protoplanetary disks formed numerous terrestrial planets millions of years after the formation of the smaller gas giants present in their systems. It is possible that many other planets, perhaps hundreds, initially populated all three systems before colliding with the current planets or getting ejected; a significant planetary collision during the Ingffhaestian System's formation forms one of the likely reasons behind the second planet Ibiridius' extreme rotation.
Within around 50 million years after forming, the protostars began nuclear fusion and became true stars, marking the beginning of their main sequence phase. Around that time, the planets began forming moons. All three stars are still in their main sequence phases; Ingffhaestia's is expected to last for around 12-15 billion years while Avimotalis' and Heranis' main sequence phases are expected to last for much longer, possibly trillions of years in the case of Avimotalis.
It is commonly debated whether or not Avimotalis and Heranis formed alongside Ingffhaestia in the same molecular cloud, or formed separately before being captured by Ingffhaestia's gravity. Proponents of the two stars forming alongside Ingffhaestia cite the red dwarfs' similar ages to Ingffhaestia, while opponents cite Avimotalis' eccentric orbit and Heranis' extremely wide orbit.
In 1-4 billion years, Ingffhaestia will exhaust its core supply of hydrogen and begin fusing hydrogen in a shell near its surface, resulting in its expansion into a subgiant. By then, gradual temperature increases would have rendered all naturally-habitable worlds in its planetary system uninhabitable. This will soon be followed by Ingffhaestia's expansion into a red giant, which will consume the planets Deanos, Rimuru, Ibiridius, and possibly Sovin and Coppelius. After Ingffhaestia begins fusing helium in its core, it will contract back into a red clump star much smaller than a red giant, but still significantly larger than a main sequence star. A second expansion into a red giant (asymptotic giant branch) occurs afterward, after which the star will gradually shed its outer layers into a planetary nebula and transition into a white dwarf star. It is theorized that Ingffhaestia will then very slowly cool until becoming a black dwarf on the scale of quadrillions of years.
Avimotalis and Heranis' futures are still uncertain due to the fact that the universe is not old enough to have witnessed the end of a red dwarf's life. Ingffhaestian astronomers theorize that the two stars will very slowly increase in temperature over hundreds of billions (perhaps trillions in the case of Avimotalis). This process will inevitably render their planets too hot for habitability, but this is not expected to occur for a very long time. Eventually, the two stars will transition into blue dwarfs before collapsing into white dwarfs after exhausting their hydrogen fuel supply. Like Ingffhaestia, Avimotalis' and Heranis' white dwarf remnants are predicted to cool over quadrillions of years into black dwarfs.
Major Bodies[]
Ingffhaestia is the central star of the Ingffhaestian System with a spectral type of K3V. Ingffhaestia, being a K-type star, is quite smaller than the Sun, with 70% of its mass and 65% of its radius. Still, Ingffhaestia is the largest of the system's three stars. On average, Ingffhaestia's surface temperature measures 4777 Kelvin.
The star is around 11.3 billion years old, but will continue to remain on the main sequence for another 1-4 billion years thanks to its lower mass.
Deanos is the first planet of the system and a terrestrial planet with a size and mass similar to those of Mars. Its defining features, however, are the large lava oceans present throughout its surface as a result of its perilously close orbit to Ingffhaestia. Its close orbit also renders Deanos tidally locked to Ingffhaestia, with the same side facing the star at all times. Because of its tidal locking, Deanos' lava oceans have a higher concentration in the planet's sunward-facing side, however there is also an equatorial band of molten lava encircling the planet caused by its rotation around Ingffhaestia.
Deanos has a "lava cycle" similar to Earth's water cycle, but with molten rock instead. In addition to lava oceans, lava vapor is present as well and makes up a significant portion of the planet's atmosphere. Clouds of rock vapor are common on Deanos; in fact, a pair of massive, semi-permanent hurricanes made of clouds of rock/lava vapor exist on Deanos' sunlit side, with one cyclone on each of its hemispheres.
Because of its treacherous environment, significant manned exploration is impractical, why is why the many nations that have controlled Ingffhaestia all largely ignored the planet during their reign. The only manned operations that occur on Deanos are small-scale mining operations on the planet's night side. No permanent settlements exist on Deanos' surface due to extremely high temperatures.
Rimuru is Ingffhaestia's second planet and its first gas giant, with a mass and radius similar to those of the Solar System's Saturn. Unlike any of the gas giants in the Earth's Solar System, Rimuru orbits very close to its parent star, making it a "Hot Jupiter" gas giant. Its resultant extremely high temperatures drive exceptionally powerful storms and give the planet a reddish glow on its night side.
Rimuru notably sports a deep blue hue comparable to that of an ice giant. While the exact cause of Rimuru's color is poorly understood, Ingffhaestian astronomers have reported similar blue hues on numerous other Hot Jupiter exoplanets, such as HD 189733 b (known to Ingffhaestians as the planet Vahe).
Sovin is the third planet of the Ingffhaestian System and its next gas giant. With a mass higher than that of Jupiter, Sovin is one of the most massive worlds in the entire Ingffhaestian Star System, beaten only by its sister planet Coppelius. Sovin also has a radius that surpasses Jupiter's, but not by much at 1.05 times Jupiter's radius; this is because its high mass increases its density. Sovin notably orbits near the inner parts of the habitable zone, granting it its white and light blue banding features; unlike the Solar System's Jupiter and Saturn, whose clouds contain ammonia, Sovin's clouds contain water vapor. Sovin also has sizeable deep blue bands and poles, which are caused by significant methane absorption and Rayleigh scattering in its atmosphere; this is because of its higher temperature, which partially restricts the formation of water clouds unlike a similar but cooler world like Coppelius.
Though Sovin itself is uninhabitable by human standards due to being a gas giant, a large orbiting moon - Sovin - does contain a habitable environment.
Herzlinger is Sovin's largest and most massive moon, with a mass and radius only slightly smaller than Earth. A dry, desertic environment characterizes this moon, which experiences higher average temperatures than Earth; more hospitable conditions only exist in the form of isolated oases and small seas located near the poles. Nonetheless, Herzlinger is ultimately a habitable moon with conditions suitable for life; while it harbors no native intelligent life, stubby succulent-like plants grow across its vast deserts, surviving by storing water in their thick and fleshy leaves.
Herzlinger harbors several colonies established by Ingffhaestian intelligent races. All of these colonies are surrounded by artificial domes to prevent non-native life from contaminating the Herzlingerian biosphere and to protect residents from Ingffhaestia's harsh sunlight. In addition, some Ingffhaestian gardeners cultivate Herzlingerian succulents for use as houseplants and other decorative purposes. These cultivators are the only legal source of Herzlinger's succulents; taking plants directly from the deserts of the moon is illegal.
Ibiridius, the fourth planet of the Ingffhaestian System, is the leading trojan of Sovin and orbits at Sovin's L4 . Ibiridius is a very unusual planet; it has an unusually fast rotation, with a day on Ibiridius lasting only 17 minutes. The planet's extreme spin flattens the planet itself into an oblate spheroid shape, with gravity near the equator being significantly lower than in the poles; this characteristic can be seen on Jupiter and Saturn to a much lesser extent. Ibiridius also has a thick atmosphere; in fact, its spin launches parts of its atmosphere into orbit and creates an atmosphere disk similar in appearance to a ring. In terms of mass and size, Ibiridius is similar to Neptune, but is notably a terrestrial world.
Despite its unusual qualities, Ibiridius is ultimately a habitable planet, orbiting near the inner edge of Ingffhaestia's habitable zone; both its planetary atmosphere and its atmosphere disk contain oxygen and carbon dioxide. Ibiridius is the homeworld of a sentient species known as the Ophisians, whose bodies consist of a highly malleable body with a gem-like core where vital organs are stored; the Ophisians' malleability exists as an adaptation for Ibiridius' wildly-variable conditions. Ophisian culture and society are notably diverse and strictly divided up into numerous tribe-like provinces on the planet's surface; these tribes themselves often have strict caste systems.
Though Ibiridius is terrestrial in nature and has a solid surface, many Ingffhaestian astronomers postulate that the planet originated as a gas giant planet, but then shed away most of its gaseous envelope with its fast rotation, leaving its core landable and exposed. This is supported by its atmosphere's high hydrogen and helium content as well as its mass of around 15 Earth masses, which are consistent with a gas giant's atmosphere and core respectively. Ingffhaestian astronomers also commonly speculate on the origins behind Ibiridius' extreme spin; the most common theory is that a glancing collision with a massive planet generated its rotation early in its history.
Saringffh is the fifth planet and a trojan of Sovin; it resides at Sovin's L5 point and orbits at the same distance from Ingffhaestia as Sovin. While Ibiridius orbits ahead of Sovin, Saringffh orbits behind it.
Saringffh itself is a super-Earth terrestrial world with a mass and size greater than Earth's, though its mass and size pale in comparison to Uingffhaestia. As it orbits near the inner edge of the habitable zone, Saringffh is host to a breathable atmosphere, significant water oceans, and non-intelligent life; most of its environment has tropical or subtropical characteristics. Its ring system forms another notable feature of Saringffh; the rings reflect light from Ingffhaestia down to the already hot and humid Saringffhian surface, making it substantially warmer than it would normally be. The added warmth fuels significant tropical cyclone activity on the Saringffhian surface including numerous hypercanes which form on a regular basis. A significant impact event is the likely cause of Saringffh's ring system; this is supported by the existence of a large impact crater in one of Saringffh's oceans and a mass extinction event in the Saringffhian fossil record. Radiocarbon dating has deemed the ages of both events consistent with the age of the rings.
Coppelius is the sixth planet of the Ingffhaestian System as well as its largest. It is a large super-Jupiter gas giant with nearly 4x Jupiter's mass, though it only has 1.11x Jupiter's radius due to the high density generated by its mass. Coppelius notably orbits at around the outer edge of Ingffhaestia's habitable zone, granting it its white and light blue banding features; unlike the Solar System's Jupiter and Saturn, whose clouds contain ammonia, Coppelius' clouds contain water vapor.
Though Coppelius itself is far from habitable due to its properties as a gas giant, it harbors two habitable moons: Gula and Uingffhaestia, the latter of which being the de facto capital of the Ingffhaestian System. Though Coppelius sits at the outer habitable zone, both moons have rather warm climates due to Coppelius' tidal heating. Thanks to the gas giant's high mass, both moons were allowed to become massive enough to sustain breathable atmospheres; as a side effect of this, however, Coppelius only has 15 other moons, as Gula and Uingffhaestia destabilized most of its other moons during the system's formation.
Coppelius serves as the host to an extensive ring system shepherded by Gula. This ring system stands as the second-most extensive ring system in the Ingffhaestian solar system, paled only by that of the gas giant Prerus. Planets with larger ring systems, however, exist in the Avimotalis and Heranis Systems.
Many tabulons on Uingffh notably worship Coppelius as a deity due to the planet's prominence in the Uingffhian sky. The most prominent form of Coppelius worship, the religion Keliosity, is the largest and most popular religion in tabulon society.
Gula is the first major moon of Coppelius and its second-largest, beaten in size and mass only by Uingffh; Gula itself has mass and radius somewhat smaller than Earth's, but larger than those of Mars. Gula is a habitable world with extensive oceans and a tolerable atmosphere, but its similarities to Earth end there; Gula's landmasses are composed of thousands of volcanic islands which erupt almost non-stop, spewing large amounts of ash into the air and lava onto the surface. In addition, Gula's close distance to Coppelius exposes it to harmful amounts of radiation from Coppelius' Van Allen belts, making survival on its surface impossible without a spacesuit.
Aside from its volcanism, Gula is also notable for the pair of massive, permanent tropical cyclones that inhabit the Coppelius-facing sides of Gula's two hemispheres. The windspeeds of these hurricanes consistently remain over 300 mph (483 km/h) and regularly exceed 500 mph (805 km/h), qualifying them as hypercanes and rivaling the strongest storms on Saringffh.
Both Gula's abundant volcanism and its two perpetual hypercanes are thought to be byproducts of the moon's close proximity to Coppelius and its gravitational relationships with Uingffh. Tidal forces created by Coppelius and Uingffh's gravitational pulls create friction and heat up its internal layers, leading to enhanced volcanism on the surface as well as heightened ocean temperatures which fuel tropical cyclones. Gula's environmental conditions make permanent settlement difficult; colonization by Ingffhaestians is limited to small research stations and domed communities. However, geothermal power plants are ubiquitous and readily derive energy from Gula's many volcanoes for use by more populated worlds, though the Ingffhaestians are careful not to disrupt the moon's natural environment in the process.
Coonce is the second major moon of Coppelius and its third-largest, being slightly larger and more massive than Mars. Coonce is completely covered in oceans, with no trace of even volcanic islands. In addition, like Gula, Coonce receives harmful radiation from Coppelius.
Coonce's distinguishing trait is its extreme tropical cyclone activity, which is comparable to Saringffh's. Due to tidal heating from Coppelius, powerful tropical cyclones and hypercanes frequently form and occur on the moon's surface; however, since the moon's oceans distribute the heat across the entire moon, tropical cyclone formation and intensification occurs globally as opposed to only its Coppelius-facing side. The oceanic nature of Coonce allows cyclones to last exceptionally long, with some lasting multiple months to entire years. Coonce's powerful cyclones, alongside its lack of land and copious radiation, render colonization largely infeasible.
Coonce is theorized to be compositionally similar to icy moons with subsurface oceans like Jupiter's Europa, but in a habitable zone setting. While moons like Europa have their oceans hidden under several kilometers of ice, Coonce's oceans are exposed due to its significantly higher temperatures and retention of an atmosphere, which melt any ice that would otherwise bury the oceans. Coonce's existence support some Uingffhian astronomers' theory that Coppelius formed farther from Ingffhaestia, but migrated inward as time passed.
Main article: Uingffh
Moringffh is the seventh planet and a trojan of Coppelius; it resides at Coppelius' L5 point and orbits at the same distance from Ingffhaestia as Coppelius.
Moringffh itself has a mass and radius very similar to those of Saringffh. Moringffh, like Saringffh, is also a habitable world and has an orbiting ring system (that is notably rainbow-hued for reasons yet unknown) that reflects sunlight onto its surface. Their environments, however, differentiate the two; Moringffh is an ocean planet completely covered in water, with no traces of large landmasses. Moringffh also has a lower average temperature due to its higher orbit around Ingffhaestia. Tropical cyclones are abundant on this planet, but do not reach the extreme intensity or abundance of Saringffhian tropical cyclones.
Moringffh's most notable feature is its ubiquitous aquatic life. In addition to a multitude of complex multicellular aquatic plants and animals, Moringffh's planetary ocean also hosts a copious amount of plankton-like microorganisms. These microbes come in a variety of hues and form a semi-translucent layer on the surface of the Moringffhian ocean; the organisms' bioluminescence allows observers to view this layer as multicolored glowing swirls and waves visible on Moringffh's night side from orbit.
Prerus is the eighth planet of the Ingffhaestian System and its fourth and final gas giant. Prerus shares various traits with the Solar System's Saturn, including its size, mass, and presence of a ring system in orbit. Prerus' atmosphere is relatively calm unlike the atmospheres of Coppelius, Sovin, and Rimuru, which contain extensive storm activity and high winds. This planet's distinguishing trait is its noticeably reddish-orange hue, which is caused by large amounts of tholins and ammonia in its atmosphere, of which there are even more than Jupiter.
Siara, Ingffhaestia's ninth planet and Prerus' leading trojan, is a small terrestrial planet sharing numerous traits with Mars. In addition to roughly sharing its mass and radius, Siara also shares its environment, being a cold desert world coated in reddish oxidized iron. Siara hosts a thin, dusty atmosphere that experiences frequent dust storms. The planet lacks plate tectonics, so volcanism occurs in the form of huge shield volcanoes far larger than any on Uingffh or Earth; unlike Mars' volcanoes, Siara's volcanoes continue to actively erupt due to a geologically recent impact event re-melting large parts of Siara's interior.
Like Mars, Siara is speculated to have had some form of habitability in the past. The presence of numerous dried river-like channels and canyons, including three massive ravines similar to the Valles Marineris, supports this theory.
Ajooni is the tenth planet of the Ingffhaestian System and the smallest, being even smaller than Mercury. Due to its small size and mass, Ajooni lacks an atmosphere and exists as a dark, cold rocky world covered in craters. The planet contains valuable minerals below its surface as well as unusual structures postulated to be ancient ruins of some form.
Ajooni is Prerus' trailing trojan, orbiting at the gas giant's L5 point.
Urden is the eleventh planet of the Ingffhaestian System and one of its six giant planets. Unlike Prerus, Coppelius, Sovin, or Rimuru, which are all gas giants similar to Jupiter or Saturn, Urden is an ice giant with similar characteristics to Uranus or Neptune. Ammonia, water, and methane dominate Urden's atmosphere, granting it its deep blue hue. In terms of size and mass, Urden is actually somewhat larger and heavier than Uranus and Neptune. However, the planet still pales in comparison to larger gas giants in those regards.
Urden is most notable for being in a close binary system with Entreri, another ice giant. Binary configurations occur frequently in smaller objects like dwarf planets and asteroids, but binary systems of entire planets, let alone between large planets like ice giants, are much rarer. This makes it and Entreri a significant point of interest for astronomers and other researchers, who continue to discover the answers to questions regarding the two planets such as how they ended up in such a configuration in the first place.
Because Urden and Entreri orbit close to one another, the two planets share a moon system as opposed to each having their own moon systems.
Entreri is the binary companion of Urden and considered the twelfth planet in the Ingffhaestian System. The fact that it is in a binary system attracts interest from Ingffhaestian astronomers, as binaries between planets - let alone large giant worlds like Entreri and Urden - are thought to be rare. Scientists are yet to uncover answers to the many questions raised about the Urden-Entreri system and its origins.
Entreri itself is an ice giant similar to Urden, Uranus, or Neptune; ammonia, water, methane, and other materials heavier than hydrogen and helium make up its atmosphere. This results in the planet's deep blue hue. Entreri is the smaller of the two ice giants in the binary, being smaller and less massive than Uranus and Neptune.
Bercouli is the second-largest moon of the Urden-Entreri binary planet system as well as one of the most exotic in the Ingffhaestian System. This moon, like all other moons in the binary planet system, orbits both ice giants.
Bercouli is similar to moons like Saturn's Titan in that it contains oceans and lakes of different compounds than water, but Bercouli's constituent elements and compounds are even more outlandish due to its exceptionally cold temperature. The moon contains an atmosphere of pure nitrogen, lakes of liquid oxygen, and landforms of frozen water; most of these elements and compounds only exist as gases on Uingffh, Earth, and other similar temperate habitable worlds.
Digrazia is the largest moon of Urden and Entreri; like Bercouli, Digrazia orbits both ice giant planets in a circumbinary orbit. This moon originally existed as a relatively typical ice moon until the Ingffhaestians chose to terraform it, after which it transformed into a habitable (but still relatively cold) world with small liquid oceans and frigid continents thanks to the heat released by the ancient Drori artifact Kire.
After its terraformation, Digrazia became an embassy of sorts between Ingffhaestia and its red dwarf companion systems, with sentient beings from all three systems meeting there. As such, Digrazia's culture is highly diverse. In addition, Digrazia carries a thriving tourism industry due to the rich history of both its terraformation and the Kire artifact.
Avimotalis is the first of two companion stars orbiting Ingffhaestia and the smallest, with a mass only 8% of Sol's and a radius not much larger than Jupiter's. An ultracool red dwarf star, Avimotalis has a spectral type of M7V and is among the smallest and coolest stars in the universe. Because of this, its planetary system of 16 planets is tightly-packed and kept stable by orbital resonances between the planets.
Avimotalis orbits 200 astronomical units (AU) from Ingffhaestia on average, but this distance strongly varies due to the fact that its orbit is rather eccentric: around 0.64. Prior to contacting the Ingffhaestians, the humans believed Avimotalis' semimajor axis to be around 17 AU, but this proved to be an error caused by interference from Ingffhaestia's then-undiscovered planets.
Because of its extremely low mass and temperature, Avimotalis is expected to continue fusing hydrogen at its core stably for trillions of years, outliving both Ingffhaestia and Heranis. It is currently around 11 billion years old just like Ingffhaestia; thanks to this, the star experiences relatively few solar flares compared to other stars of its type, which usually suffer from frequent and powerful flares that typically render most orbiting planets uninhabitable.
Avimotalis is the name assigned to the system by its native sentient civilization, the lorteus race. Its tabulon name is Nathansias.
Suletta is the first planet of the Avimotalis System as well as its smallest. A gray, barren cratered terrestrial world, Suletta displays similarities to the Solar System's Mercury and Ingffhaestia's Ajooni. The planet lacks an atmosphere and is incapable of supporting life, with the only signs of civilization being small mining and research outposts dotting its surface.
Like all of the Avimotalian inner planets, Suletta is tidally locked, with one side perpetually facing its star.
Albor, the second planet of the Avimotalis System, is a Venus-like terrestrial planet covered in a thick atmosphere of greenhouse gases. This thick atmosphere traps exceptional amounts of heat emitted by Avimotalis itself, generating extreme temperatures on the surface; in fact, Albor is the hottest planet in the system. Furthermore, due to Albor's tidally-locked nature, temperatures reach even higher extremes on the planet's Avimotalis-facing side, driving a massive permanent cyclone.
Beneath the thick atmosphere, Albor has a highly volcanic surface. Large active shield volcanoes dot the landscape, some of them rivalling Siara's immense shield volcanoes in size. However, all of them are inferior in height to even Earth volcanoes. Because of the presence of these volcanoes, practically the entirety of Albor's surface is covered in basaltic lava flows.
Albor's most notable trait, however, is its distinct purple hue, which it owes to extremophile microorganisms abundant both on its surface and in its atmosphere. Despite Albor's exceedingly harsh environment, Ingffhaestian xenobiologists do not consider the presence of life on its surface extremely unprecedented; similar microorganisms exist on more habitable planets' hot springs and experience similar temperatures. Most Alborian lifeforms are photosynthetic, adopting their purplish hue to capture Avimotalis' light.
The Avimotalis System’s third planet, Sahariana, is a ferrestrial world in-between the sizes of Earth and Mars. Its mass also falls between those of Earth and Mars.
In terms of environmental conditions, Sahariana is a marginally habitable planet chiefly encompassed by vast dry and hot deserts. Water and moisture are sparse on Sahariana, with its major bodies of water only reaching the size of a small sea at largest. Sandstorms are also common on the planet, with the planet’s winds carrying large amounts of dust and sand into its atmosphere. In terms of geology, Sahariana bears a resemblance to Mars or Siara; very slow-moving tectonic plates allow for the formation of massive shield volcanoes and enormous valleys on the surface. A cluster of large shield volcanoes exists on the sunlit side of Sahariana, where Avimotalis' tidal forces reach their strongest.
Despite its harsh environment, Sahariana serves as the home of a plentiful amount of cities, towns, and other settlements. These are particularly concentrated in the planet's night side, which experiences significantly lower average temperatures compared to the blisteringly hot day side. Saharianan cities also tend to be located near one of the planet's sparse small seas. Sahariana's colonies serve chiefly as tourist destinations, resort towns, vacation spots, and/or pitstops for those travelling across the Ingffhaestian System; few people choose to permanently live on the planet due to its unfavorable living conditions.
Rasaidor is the Avimotalis System's fourth planet and another terrestrial world; its size and mass are higher than Earth's, making this planet a super-Earth. In stark contrast to the dry and desertic Sahariana, Rasaidor is a large ringed oceanic world similar to Moringffh, with water covering the vast majority of its surface. But unlike Moringffh, which contains absolutely no land whatsoever, Rasaidor's surface hosts small amounts of land in the form of volcanic island chains generated by hotspots. Due to Rasaidor's higher gravity, its volcanoes tend to attain much larger diameters, but much shorter vertical heights compared to volcanoes on other planets.
Like most other planets in the Avimotalis System, Rasaidor is tidally locked to its parent star. However, unlike Sahariana, Rasaidor has a significantly lower temperature disparity between its day and night sides due to its very high water content, which efficiently distributes heat across the planet; for this reason, Rasaidor lacks ice caps and boasts high tropical cyclone activity in both the day and night sides. The two semi-permanent stationary hypercanes on Rasaidor's sunward side serve as the only evidence of Rasaidor's tidally locked nature. In spite of these favorable conditions, however, marine life on Rasaidor falls markedly short to Moringffh in terms of diversity.
Like Sahariana, Rasaidor boasts cities and colonies that serve largely as tourist destinations, vacation getaways, and resort spots. Rasaidor's seaside settlements see a large influx of surfers, swimmers, and other people who enjoy the ocean and/or partake in recreational activities related to it. Nonetheless, Rasaidor sees more permanent residents than Sahariana due to its more hospitable and picturesque environment; a sizeable amount of older individuals seek out Rasaidor as a potential retirement location.
Many Ingffhaestian astronomers believe the notable difference in water content between Rasaidor and its neighbor Sahariana to constitute more than a coincidence. According to them, Rasaidor and possibly Albor accreted and absorbed large amounts of water using their high masses during the Avimotalis System's formative years, depriving the planet caught between the two - Sahariana - of its own water content thanks to Sahariana's lower mass. Because of this, Albor and Rasaidor developed into highly moist worlds (Albor a hot greenhouse gas-covered world, Rasaidor an oceanic planet) while Sahariana remained dry and desertic.
Euphemia is the fifth planet of the Avimotalis System and the most habitable world out of the system's 16 planets. The planet's mass and radius come rather close to Earth's, as do its environmental conditions; Euphemia contains enough water to efficiently distribute heat across the planet, but also hosts enough land for the development of life, creating Earth-like conditions in spite of the planet's nature as a tidally locked world. Nonetheless, the effects of tidal locking on Euphemia are still visible in the form of larger ice caps on its night side and a pair of semi-permanent tropical cyclones on its day side whose winds frequently reach the 300 mph-400 mph range.
Euphemia serves as the homeworld of the lorteus race (plural lortei), a sentient species resembling crabs, but blue, more erect, and with antlers and tentacles. As a society, the lortei tend to be rather pacifist and environmentalist, with most lortei stating that they feel a strong connection to Euphemia's native biosphere. This mindset has both benefits and disadvantages; though it has allowed Euphemia's natural environment to experience less harm than those of Uingffh, Ibiridius, Cornelia, or Hevectavia as society progressed, it has also left the lortei less technologically advanced than its neighbors, and on occasion more socially conservative as well.
In terms of non-sentient life, Euphemia is also rather diverse. Because of the planet's tidally locked nature, wildlife markedly differs between the day side and night side; for instance, organisms living in Euphemia's night side tend to exhibit bioluminescence, night vision, and other traits useful for adapting to dark environments, while day side life bears a greater resemblance to life typically seen on a non-tidally locked world like Earth or Uingffh. In terms of plants, Euphemia's analogues for plants usually come in light pink hues; their base color is red, but Avimotalis' stronger solar flares and radiation forces plant life to adopt protective coatings against these threats, lightening their leaves and other features to a salmon color. Naturally, this adaptation is more prevalent on the day side than on the night side, where plants can afford to stay a natural red. Some animal lifeforms exhibit similar adaptations; the lortei are no exception, with day side individuals often displaying skin coming in a variety of hues as part of their sun protection mechanisms.
Olympia is the sixth planet of the Avimotalis System and another habitable world. In terms of size and mass, Olympia closely matches Sahariana, being in-between the sizes of Earth and Mars. Like the other terrestrial planets in the Avimotalian System, Olympia is tidally locked.
Olympia's environment, much like its size and mass, also falls in-between those of Earth and Mars. Like the Martian surface, Olympia's surface is rather desertic in nature and boasts a reddish hue due to oxidized iron in the soil. However, Olympia also contains sizeable liquid water oceans (albeit much smaller than those on more Earth-like habitable planets) and a breathable atmosphere containing oxygen and carbon dioxide. This has allowed life to flourish on Olympia to a limited degree in the form of intermittent patches of planets and, on rare occasions, herds of animals. Ingffhaestian xenobiologists have noted strong similarities between lifeforms on Olympia and lifeforms native to Euphemia; it is strongly suspected that life on Olympia originated from Euphemia through panspermia. Olympia owes its habitability to its higher gravity and active core, which allow the planet to sustain an atmosphere and a magnetic field.
In terms of geology, Olympia closely matches the Solar System's Mars and Ingffhaestia's Siara. The surface contains a handful of exceptionally large and deep canyons similar to the Valles Marineris, though most of these canyons are filled with water, turning them into large rivers or canals. Massive Olympus Mons-style shield volcanoes also litter the Olympian surface as a byproduct of the planet's extremely low tectonic plate activity; because Olympia's core is still molten and active, these shield volcanoes continue to erupt periodically and are considered active.
Thanks to its habitability, Olympia hosts rather sizeable settlements and cities on its surface, though its population still pales in comparison to more Earth-like worlds like Uingffh, Cornelia, or Euphemia due to its more desertic traits. Like Sahariana and Rasaidor, Olympia has a strong tourist appeal, in its case due to offering travelers the opportunity to experience Mars or Siara-like landscapes and landforms without needing a spacesuit; in particular, Olympia forms a popular destination for hikers, backpackers, and explorers who wish to explore the planet's huge canyons and/or large shield volcanoes. But more importantly, Olympia is frequented by planetary researchers, who view Olympia as a possible representation of what the environments of smaller, but similar planets like Mars and Siara may have looked like in the past, when they still contained liquid water and an atmosphere.
Pluma is Avimotalis' seventh planet. It is similar to Earth in size and lies within Avimotalis' habitable zone, but is completely covered in ice. Temperatures regularly drop below freezing, and living on the surface is extremely difficult due to powerful blizzards and snowstorms. Additionally, Pluma is tidally locked, meaning that snowstorm and temperature conditions are even worse on the planet's night side. Temperature differences between the two sides also amplify storm activity.
Pluma sports a thin ring system, which forms the primary piece of evidence behind the prevailing theory Ingffhaestian astronomers hold regarding Pluma's icy environment. They believe that the planet experienced an astronomically recent and significant asteroid impact which threw enough material up into the atmosphere to block out sunlight and drastically decrease the planet's temperature while also creating the planet's ring system.
Exicle, the eighth planet, is the final terrestrial planet of the Avimotalis System and has a size and mass slightly larger than Mars'.
Exicle has one of the most unusual environments of any planet in the Avimotalis System. The planet is enveloped in a rather thick (but not too crushing) atmosphere covered in windstorms powerful enough to obscure the surface. In spite of the hostile weather conditions, however, the atmosphere is ultimately breathable by oxygen-dependent lifeforms like tabulons or humans. The atmosphere does contain more methane than a typical habitable world, granting Exicle a bluish color, but not enough methane to pose a lethal threat to oxygen-breathing life.
As for Exicle's surface, it strongly resembles Mars, with deep canyons and massive shield volcanoes dominating the landscape. However, some prominent difference exist. For one, the soil takes on a bluish hue instead of a reddish due to a lack of oxidized iron and an abundance of methane. Secondly, the surface lacks craters due to Exicle's thicker atmosphere burning up most smaller asteroids or comets. Nonetheless, Exicle's Mars-like features suggest that the planet may have been more habitable in the past.
Heranis is the second of Ingffhaestia's two companion red dwarfs and the larger of the two, with roughly a fourth of the Sun's mass and radius. Heranis is also the farther-orbiting of Ingffhaestia's two companions, lying roughly 1,200 AU from Ingffhaestia on average. This semimajor axis has been accurately determined by humanity unlike Heranis' semimajor axis.
Heranis is an M4V-class star, placing it near the middle of the red dwarf spectrum. This star harbors a system of ten planets, all of which are undiscovered by humanity; like Avimotalis' planets, Heranis' planets are rather close together due to their parent star's smaller scale, but to a lesser degree compared to Avimotalis. This has allowed for the existence of giant planets in the Heranian inner system.
Because of its low mass and temperature, Heranis is expected to continue fusing hydrogen at its core stably for trillions of years, outliving Ingffhaestia by a significant margin. However, its lifespan is not expected to exceed that of the much smaller and more stable Avimotalis. In addition, Heranis experiences a large amount of solar flares unlike Avimotalis, though these flares are not intense enough to significantly and negatively affect the biospheres of its orbiting planets.
Heranis is the name assigned to the system by its native sentient civilizations, the mordion and sheepilly races. Its tabulon name is Tayloron.
Firades is Heranis' first planet. This planet has a size and mass similar to that of Mercury, being a small terrestrial world. Firades is also an archetypal molten terrestrial world, with expanses of molten rock covering large parts of its surface. Firades, like most red dwarf worlds, is tidally locked; its Heranis-facing side has a higher concentration of magmatic regions.
Unlike Deanos and other larger lava worlds, Firades has no atmosphere aside from a thin veil of evaporated rock near its day side; the planet's gravity is insufficient to retain a thick atmosphere like its larger cousins. As such, Firades does not contain a "lava cycle" and has no rock vapor clouds or storms. Firades' oceans are kept molten by the sheer heat of Heranis' starlight and the planet's core.
Like Deanos, Firades is largely ignored by Ingffhaestian society due to its inhospitable environment. Small-scale mining plants and research outposts account for the only artificial structures on the planet.
Posladon is the second planet of the Heranian System and its first giant planet. This planet has a similar mass to ice giants like Uranus and Neptune, and would have similar conditions if it weren't for its orbit - Posladon orbits rather close to Heranis and is thus a prime example of a "hot neptune".
Posladon's most defining feature is its prominent green hue, which is caused by yellow sulfur vapor mixing with the blue methane found in most ice giants. In addition to its unique color, Posladon also has a relatively featureless atmosphere similar to that of Uranus; this occurs due to Posladon's tidally locked nature, which deprives the planet of the fast rotation needed to form the banding features of more typical giant planets. Storms are also reasonably common on the planet's day side.
Ilsadite, the third planet of the Heranian System, is a terrestrial planet. This world is notably the largest terrestrial planet in the Ingffhaestian System (not counting Ibiridius, which is theorized to have formed as a gas giant), with an equatorial radius of nearly 10,000 kilometers.
In terms of environment, Ilsadite is a hot greenhouse gas-laden world similar to the Solar System's Venus. An exceptionally thick atmosphere composed of a variety of greenhouse gasses traps large amounts of heat emitted by Heranis, heating up Ilsadite's obscured surface to temperatures higher than what they would be in a thinner atmospheric environment. Large active shield volcanoes also dot Ilsadite's landscape, adding more heat-trapping gasses into the air.
Like most red dwarf planets, Ilsadite is tidally locked. The planet's atmosphere features a massive, permanent cyclone on its Heranis-facing side. Meanwhile, its surface features a hotspot of volcanic activity at the same location, with the planet's largest shield volcano having its peak aligned with the region of the planet that experiences the most tidal force from Heranis.
Saryllia is the fourth planet of the Heranis System as well as its first true gas giant. It is Heranis' largest planet, with a radius slightly larger than Jupiter's; despite this, Saryllia's mass is only somewhat higher than Saturn's. Saryllia's low density may be a consequence of its higher temperature.
Saryllia's atmosphere itself is in-between Jupiter's and Saturns. Though most of the planets' bands are calm, there exist a few bands of more turbulent weather including white oval storms and Great Red Spot-like superstorms. Saryllia also hosts a ring system; light reflected from the rings has been proposed as the cause of the planet's isolates storm bands.
Saryllia orbits within Heranis' habitable zone and harbors one habitable moon: Cornelia. In addition, Saryllia itself harbors life, being a rare instance of a lifebearing gas giant; however, Saryllia's life is restricted to airborne photosynthetic microorganisms floating in its upper atmosphere. These organisms give the planet its signature dull pink hue.
Cornelia is the largest moon of Saryllia and one of two Earth-like worlds in the Heranian System. A habitable world slightly larger than Earth, Cornelia hosts vast water oceans and a thriving biosphere; Cornelian plants are red as an adaptation to Heranis' redder light.
Most notably, Cornelia is the homeworld of a sentient race known as the mordions, who resemble Earth animals of the family Leporidae (hares and rabbits) but anthropomorphic and red-furred (also an adaptation, this time as a method of camoflage against Cornelia's red fauna). Like the tabulons of Uingffh, the mordions of Cornelia have evolved into an advanced spacefaring society; compared to tabulon society, mordion society is somewhat more militarized and industrialist, with the species constructing potent weaponry and large megastructures. Nonetheless, the mordions exercise peaceful relations and support progressive causes.
The most notable marks of mordion society on Cornelia are the three megastructures the species has constructed on the moon over several centuries. The first and oldest is Sarsistoras City, a massive megacity located on the continent of Longinus. Second is the Yessemteon Rhombi, a massive diamond-shaped artificial city located in the middle of the ocean. Lastly, the most recently-constructed megastructure on Cornelia is the Moofpheonix Life Experiment, a series of concentric ring-shaped artificial islands created as a haven for Cornelian life amid protests regarding the other two megastructures' environmental effects.
Cornelia has natural landmarks as well, most notably the two large cyclones on its Saryllia-facing side. Like Gula of the Ingffhaestian System, Cornelia is tidally locked to its parent planet and receives ample heat from tidal forces from its parent. Because the Saryllian side of Cornelia is oceanic, Saryllia's tidal forces resulted in a pair of semi-permanent tropical cyclones on the regions of Cornelia's two hemispheres that face the gas giant. These two cyclones, referred to as the Tempesta Evagelia and the Tempesta Gurrelaga, carry winds that sometimes exceed 500 mph; nonetheless, their location away from any populated landmasses renders their danger mostly minimal.
Golorra is a trojan world of Saryllia, occupying the latter's L4 point. This terrestrial planet is larger than Mars, but smaller than Earth; it also harbors a ring system caused by a relatively recent asteroid impact. It is tidally locked.
Golorra is best known for its extensive modifications at the hands of mordion colonists, who transformed the planet into a near ecumenopolis. The surface of the planet consists of vast mordion megacities, which are most concentrated near the planet's Heranis-facing side; Golorra's dark side is, for the most part, too cold to inhabit, with expanses of ice dominating the surface there. Small seas also dot the Golorran surface, most of which being artificially-filled. Prior to its urbanization, Golorra was a rather lifeless terrestrial planet with a barren landscape and a thin atmosphere. Today, Golorra is the most populated planet in the entire Ingffhaestian star system, with dozens of billions of sentients calling the world their home.
The most significant aspects of Golorra's urban landscape are the series of seven diamond-shaped megacities straddling the planet's equator. These megacities were heavily modeled after Cornelia's Yessemteon Rhombi, only they are built within massive excavated chasms as opposed to atop the ocean; as such, these seven megacities are often referred to as rhombi. The rhombi lying at the center of Golorra's Heranis-facing side is the largest and referred to as the Virm Rhombi. To its east lie Pernellis Rhombi, Oiaguros Rhombi, and Yashitambar Rhombi. To Virm's west lie Higels Rhombi, Falazoria Rhombia, and Ghorbane Rhombi.
Ackjay, the fifth planet, is a deep brown gas giant with a mass and radius similar to Saturn's. However, Ackjay lacks rings. Ackjay is widely considered the most boring planet in the entire Ingffhaestian star system amongst Ingffhaestian citizens due to its relative featurelessness.
Jasper, the sixth planet of Heranis, is a large gas giant notable for its striking orange and red bands and its bright ring system, which is one of the most iconic in the Ingffhaestian planetary system. Jasper is very similar to Jupiter in terms of mass, radius, and conditions; like Jupiter, Jasper's colors are derived from ammonia and tholins in its atmosphere. Jasper, like Jupiter, also bears host to a large anticyclonic storm; this storm is referred to as the Gem of Jasper, has a yellow hue, and is located in the planet's northern hemisphere.
Peris is one of Jasper's major moons. It is similar to Saturn's moon Titan, bearing an atmosphere and seas of hydrocarbons like methane and ethane. Unlike Titan, however, Peris harbors native life that depends on hydrocarbons as a solvent rather than water, giving it a yellowish-green hue. None of the life on Peris is intelligent; in fact, life on Peris is thought to have arisen due to panspermia from Hevectavia, a similar moon with more biodiversity that does harbor an intelligent civilization.
Lapidot is one of Jasper's major moons. It is similar to Saturn's moon Titan, bearing an atmosphere and seas of hydrocarbons like methane and ethane. Unlike Titan, however, Lapidot harbors native life that depends on hydrocarbons as a solvent rather than water. In addition, Lapidot is almost entirely oceanic, with its hydrocarbon seas taking up a significant portion of its surface; as such, most life on Lapidot is aquatic, with terrestrial lifeforms being restricted to small forms on the planet's isolated small islands. None of the life on Lapidot is intelligent; in fact, life on Lapidot is thought to have arisen due to panspermia from Hevectavia, a similar moon with more biodiversity that does harbor an intelligent civilization.
Hevectavia is one of Jasper's major moons as well as its largest, with a mass and radius comparable to Mars. It is similar to Saturn's moon titan, bearing an atmosphere and seas of hydrocarbons like methane and ethane. Unlike Titan, however, Hevectavia harbors native life that depends on hydrocarbons as a solvent rather than water, giving it a pinkish hue.
Hevectavia is the homeworld of an intelligent species known as the Sheepillies, who resemble tabulons but taller and with longer limbs as an adaptation for the moon's lower gravity. In addition, they also have a chemical structure and composition vastly different from other forms of life, with cell membranes of acrylonitrile and a diet of methane and ethane. Their physiology, however, remains relatively similar to other species. The Sheepillies developed somewhat more slowly compared to other species; when the Ingffhaestian Federation formed in 1180, Sheepilly society existed at a tech level similar to that of humanity in the 21st century. Their technology only grew marginally up to the 2000s and required extensive aid from other Ingffhaestian member worlds. Hevectavia's culture is also similar to 21st century Earth's; Sheepilly society is known for its emphasis on the entertainment and engineering industries, its cultural heterogeneity, and its youth's eccentricity.
Azure is the seventh planet of the Heranian System and another giant planet. Sitting at some form of midpoint between an ice giant and a gas giant, Azure's exact type is debated amongst Ingffhaestians; while some astronomers classify it as a gas giant due to its mass and radius comparable to those of the Solar System's Saturn, others classify it as an ice giant due to its high methane, water, and ammonia content compared to other planets.
Appearance-wise, Azure is a Jupiter-like world with prominent, turbulent bands dotted with storms, including two large anticyclones similar in nature to the Great Red Spot. However, as its name implies, Azure sports a signature blue hue caused by the presence of methane and water - the same compounds that give Neptune and Uranus their colors. Azure's blue bands are separated by white belts similar in color to Jupiter's. The Ingffhaestians view Azure as a particularly picturesque planet, with the giant planet starring in a number of Ingffhaestian paintings and art pieces.
Xong, the eighth planet, is an ice giant. Compared to the two other ice giants (Posladon and Lavaria) in the Heranis System, however, Xong is much larger, with a mass and radius falling in between those of Uranus and Saturn. In terms of physical characteristics, Xong bears teal clouds divided into bands and belts just barely visible from orbit similar to Saturn's bands. Xong also possesses a prominent and vivid ring system whose purple hue remains the subject of much debate.
Xong's most notable characteristic is its axial tilt - the planet is tilted nearly 90 degrees in relation to Heranis' ecliptic, or the plane of the other Heranian planets' orbit around their star. This gives Xong unique seasons and weather; in terms of day/night cycles, Xong's days and seasons are synonymous. The sunlit side of Xong tends to experience more extreme weather than the opposing side. The cause of Xong's tilt is commonly debated, but one of the more popular and plausible explanations is a collision with a large Earth-sized or larger body during the Heranis System's early years.
Lavaria is the ninth and final planet of the Heranian planetary system and its third ice giant. Like Posladon, Lavaria has a mass and radius comparable to those of Neptune. However, Lavaria lacks Posladon's green hue and instead sports a light blue hue more typical of an ice giant thanks to its much farther orbit. The ice giant is known for having the second-fastest average wind speeds in the entire Ingffhaestian star system, with equatorial winds reaching up to 650 mph (1046 km/h).
Lavaria's ring system is the largest in relation to its planet in the Ingffhaestian System - the radius of its rings beats the radius of the planet itself by over five times. However, its rings are not only relatively thin, but also narrow; its visible rings begin not far from their end point as opposed to closer to the planet like with Jasper's rings. Lavaria's rings also bear a green hue whose cause is currently unknown.
Society and Culture[]
In Urlum the Usurper[]
The tabulons, lortei, and mordions united themselves into the socially progressive Ingffhaestian Federation in 1180 AD. During the Federation's reign, the three species witnessed the sheepillies' and ophisians' rise into technologically advanced civilizations; the Federation voted to leave these nascent societies alone unless absolutely necessary in order to avoid inadvertently harming their development. In the 2000s, a rogue tabulon named Litia von Lucerna started a rebellion on fir homeworld of Uingffh and threatened to overthrow the Federation, but this revolt was quickly subdued.
In the 2080s, Ingffhaestia went to war with the colonialist Holy Kalgamanian Empire of the nearby Sol System which ended in Kalgamania annexing the entire system; for roughly 14 years, humans dominated the system and marginalized its native aliens until 2099, when rebels from Uingffh overthrew the Empire and liberated the aliens.
The five years afterwards were plagued with chaos as people fought over control of the newly-liberated Ingffhaestia, with five nations seeing their rise and fall within said timeframe: the Kalgamanian Republic, the Restored Ingffhaestian Federation, the Drori Invicta, the Ingffhaestian Union, and the Ingffhaestian Confederacy.
This chaotic period culminated in the tabulon Urlum Eudae Kaywell rising to power in 2105 and finally uniting Ingffhaestia under her all-powerful dictatorship: the Imperial Sovereignty of Garmageddon. Garmageddon would rule over Ingffhaestia, its capital system, for several years and oppress non-tabulon species until Urlum's assassination at the hands of her adopted human son Trey Peterson, which ushered in a new era of peace and unity with the formation of the Orion-Cygnus Federation, or OCF. The OCF continues to control Ingffhaestia to this day, with Ingffhaestia's native inhabitants being some of the many civilizations working together to ensure good lives for the OCF's citizens.
In A Tyranny Known As Love[]
In The Objective: Legend of Urlum the Evil[]