Hypothetical Cities and Countries Wikia

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article and timeline are outdated and not an accurate representation of the creator’s current writing style. For more recent and higher quality work, it is highly recommended to go here.

The Holy Empire of Earth-Kalgamania, also known as the Holy Empire of Kalgamania or just Kalgamania, was a global and interstellar imperialist superpower that ruled all of planet Earth along with countless planets in two star systems from 2030 to 2099. It was a far-right imperialist power infamous for its rampant state- and corporate-sponsored bigotry and its ruthless principles of Social Darwinism. Its ruling powers believed that humans were a superior race and that all other sentient civilizations were "backwards" and "primitive". It conquered numerous exoplanets and subjected any native inhabitants to apartheid and discrimination. Eventually, rebels from one of its colony worlds, Uingffh, overthrew the empire in 2099.

In addition to its speciesism, Kalgamania was also known to discriminate against minorities within the human race as well. Majority groups such as white people, neurotypicals, heterosexuals, cisgender people, etc. dominated the Kalgamanian upper classes. Kalgamania was also aggressively Christian; separation of church and state did not exist in the Empire. However, Kalgamania twisted the religion to suit its own needs and used their own warped interpretation of the Bible to justify its oppressive policies, such as its prosecution of other religious faiths and its suppression of the LGBTQ+ community. The Kalgamanian Empire looked down upon neurodivergent people such as autistics and those with ADHD as well, with many of Kalgamania's social norms directly going against common neurodivergent traits.

Kalgamania's capital was Leviticus City, which despite the country's European roots is located in what was once the Bay Area region of what used to be the U.S. state of California. It contained an immense three kilometer-long ring-shaped palace called the Tower of Babel, which served as the home of the empire's royal family.


Origins and Kalgamanian Revolution (2030-2040)[]

Age of Decadence[]

Before Kalgamania had been established, climate change and its myriad natural calamities caused humanity to fall into disarray as sea levels rose, storms increased in frequency and strength, and biomes underwent radical changes. By just 2027, climate change-related natural disasters had led to the deaths of roughly 1 billion people.

With many nations collapsing or on the verge of doing so, conditions were ripe for an extremist government to take power. Many citizens began blaming moderate ideologies like liberalism and conservatism for the state of the Earth; bitter bipartisanship and a reluctance to resort to more direct, radical solutions to the ongoing crisis prevented mainstream politicians from taking effective action on climate disruption. This was enhanced by the fact that many members of Generation Z, known for being predominantly far-left and already distrustful of mainstream politics, had become old enough to begin assuming positions of power in government and politics. Overall, this pre-Kalgamanian era of increasing climate change and associated political unrest is termed the Age of Decadence; some particularly conservative Kalgamanians label this period the Age of Liberal Degeneracy as an expression of distate towards the era's left-wing politics.

Creation of Kalgamanism[]

Eventually, a group of seven English politicians led by far-right political activist Nathan Russel Taylor began promoting an ideology they called Kalgamanism in December of 2027. In stark contrast to the overall leftist political atmosphere of the Earth at the time, Kalgamanism promoted highly conservative and far-right political beliefs such as traditional gender roles, racial hierarchies, religious fundamentalism, laissez-faire capitalism, etc. They blamed the current state of the world not on conservative politicians and political apathy like much of the world did, but on left-wing ideologies like social welfarism, socialism, communism, pacifism, feminism, secularism, etc. Many Kalgamanists, including Taylor himself, took this further and blamed minority groups such as the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, neurodivergent people, disabled people, etc. and viewed the Age of Decadence as God punishing the world for accepting social justice and progressive ideologies.

By just 2028, over 75% of nations harbored Kalgamanist political parties and had elected Kalgamanist members into political offices thanks to rigorous propaganda campaigns coordinated by the seven British "fathers" of Kalgamanism. Roughly 50% of all nations had seen Kalgamanism rise to become a major political party; the United States, for instance, saw a Kalgamanist Party rise as a third major political party. There, its rise caused the Republican Party to collapse, with more radical Republicans joining the Kalgamanist Party and more moderate Republicans joining the Democratic Party, which quickly became a party with the sole purpose of opposing the rise of Kalgamanism. In Britain, the birthplace of Kalgamanism, Kalgamanists already occupied a significant majority of parliament, with Nathan Taylor being elected the prime minister and other political parties fading into obscurity, effectively turning the United Kingdom into a one-party state.

Outlawing of Kalgamanist Parties[]

Beginning in late 2028, some governments began taking action to restrict or outlaw Kalgamanist parties. While more libertarian nations like the United States preserved Kalgamanism, more authoritarian nations such as Russia and China banned Kalgamanist parties on the basis of threatening public order. Ironically, despite being considered more socially conservative, religious traditionalist Middle Eastern countries like Yemen also outlawed Kalgamanism, wishing to preserve their already-established versions of conservatism rather than accept new ideologies originating from foreign nations.

Though Kalgamanism remained highly popular throughout the world, Kalgamanists viewed these isolated incidents as a grave threat to the existence of not only Kalgamanism, but also tradition as a whole and sought to quicken the spread of their ideology to prevent its erasure. As such, many Kalgamanists began to adopt more radical methods in spreading Kalgamanism such as violent revolutions and riots as opposed to gaining political influence within the system. This ultimately culminated in the Kalgamanian Revolution of 2030.

Kalgamanian Revolution[]

On April 22, 2030, Nathan Russel Taylor made a speech calling for a worldwide revolution of Kalgamanists in order to "preserve the tradition and morality that make the human race thrive." In the weeks following the speech, Kalgamanists began rioting in front of governmental buildings across the world, taking down local security personnel, breaking into the buildings, and capturing any staff or politicians inside. This marked the beginning of the Kalgamanian Revolution.

Nations that had already embraced support for Kalgamanism, such as the United States and the United Kingdom quickly fell under Kalgamanist control. Shortly afterwards, the Kalgamanist-controlled United States utilized its entire nuclear arsenal against the world. In an event dubbed the Divine Judgment, nuclear missiles hit the capitals of virtually every anti-Kalgamanist nation on the planet, leading to the deaths of an estimated 189 million civilians and the collapse of their national governments. After several months of conflict and war that led to another 93 million deaths, the Kalgamanists claimed the world and declared the formation of the Holy Empire of Earth-Kalgamania on December 26, 2030. Nathan Taylor was crowned the first emperor of this nation and renamed himself to Nathan su Kalgamania, with his family becoming the noble House of Su; the other six politicians instrumental in the formation of Kalgamania became other houses/families. Together, the seven houses of Kalgamania became the Kalgamanian Royal Family.

Kalgamania flag old

The flag of Kalgamania upon the empire's formation in 2030.

The flag adopted by Kalgamania takes on an appearance starkly different from flags of the past, reflecting the start of a new era in human history. Its purple color symbolizes the self-proclaimed regal and sophisticated nature of the empire while the white stripes represent purity. The sun in the center not only represents the solar system, but the promise that Kalgamania would bring "light, civilization, innovation, and salvation" (which is code for apartheid and discrimination). Its seven points/rays represent the seven politicians who formed Kalgamania. However, the flag still carried some traits of the old world before the empire was formed; the eight stripes on the flag are a reference to the British union jack, as Kalgamania's founders were British.

Imperialization (2031-2039)[]


After founding the Kalgamanian Empire, the royal family pushed for rapid technological development in order to recover from the ruin caused by both the climate crisis and the Kalgamanian Revolution. To this end, the Kalgamanian royal family decided to decrease their influence slightly and breed free-market capitalism with the promise that successful businessmen would become nobles of the empire and be granted special privileges; the Privatization Acts of 2034 officially delegated ownership of a number of sectors of Kalgamanian industry, including healthcare, education, and entertainment, to private companies and individuals.

The privatization of Kalgamania proved successful in recovering the economy of the Earth. Over the span of a few months, Kalgamania's gdp increased by a staggering 53% as companies transformed areas devastated by natural disasters and war into bustling centers of industry. Notably, however, the Kalgamanian Empire also pursued a campaign of environmentalism in order to reverse the negative impacts of climate change. A series of environmental regulations passed in 2035 helped restore native ecosystems, lower sea levels, and decrease temperatures across the globe. Many Kalgamanian settlements came to rely on renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and water energy as primary power sources, with both the royal family and private corporations constructing massive arrays of wind turbines and solar panels.

However, privatization also resulted in increased economic inequality across the Kalgamanian Empire as wealthy individuals and corporations enjoyed a plethora of benefits at the expense of the poor and working class. As part of the Privatization Acts and other similar policies, workers' rights were degraded, with workers suffering from low pay, harsh treatment from employers, and unsafe workplaces. Kalgamania adopted a culture basing the worth of people, places, and practically everything on their profitability. Wealth gaps grew rapidly, with the richest 10% of Kalgamanians earning 14.87 times as much money as the poorest citizens by 2039.

Space Travel[]

Kalgamania's Imperialization also involved a new emphasis on space travel. Privatization combined with a influx of funding in the aerospace industry in 2036 culminated with the attainment of commercial interplanetary travel by 2037 and the establishment of many colonies on Mars, the Moon, and moons of the outer giant planets.

Kalgamanian space travel had a variety of complex justifications. Space travel increased partly as a backup measure in case Earth's environment continued to deteriorate; some Kalgamanians, anxious over the state of the Earth, called for the creation of long-term colonies on other celestial bodies in the Solar System. Space travel also came into prominence as part of Kalgamania's desire to present itself as a futuristic nation distinguished from the unstable nations of pre-Kalgamania. Some royal family members and corporate owners believed that space travel would help foster patriotism and nationalism in a society still afflicted by the hopelessness and anxiety of the Age of Decadence.

Most importantly, however, the rise of spacefaring technology in the Kalgamanian Empire came about as part of the beginning of imperialist sentiment in Kalgamania. Emboldened by Kalgamania's overwhelming triumphs and submissive to the far-right ideals the Empire promoted, Kalgamanians increasingly began viewing the human race itself as a superior race with a unique duty to spread across the stars and "bless the cosmos with humanity's civility" as one noteworthy patriot put it. The only aspect inhibiting the rise of imperialist sentiment in Kalgamanian society was the lack of another faction to deem inferior; minority groups, though often scapegoated and marginalized by Kalgamanian society, were still human and inhabited the Earth just like other Kalgamanians did, and thus could not serve as an adequate justification for colonial endeavors. This would come to change with the discovery and later conflict with the Ingffhaestian Federation's member races in later decades.

Peaceful spacefaring era (2040-2051)[]

Discovery of the Columbus Wormhole Gate[]

As Kalgamanian society's imperialization-era interest in astronomy continued, multiple astronomers stationed on colonies set up around the outer planets began to note an unusually bright signature in the outer solar system designated IMPERIAL-1. Initially believed to be a newly-discovered dwarf planet, higher-equality imagery revealed that the object possessed a highly unusual, non-spherical shape consisting of various geometric formations. This fueled conspiracy theories that IMPERIAL-1 represented an alien artifact; under pressure from both astronomers and citizens seeking answers, Emperor Nathan collaborated with several spacecraft corporations to send patrol ships into the outer Solar System and the IMPERIAL-1's location. By June 21, 2040, this patrol ship, the Columbus, reached its completion and was launched shortly after.

Thanks to drastically improved propulsion technology developed during imperialization, the Columbus reached IMPERIAL-1's location in less than a year, arriving on June 8, 2041. There, the craft not only confirmed IMPERIAL-1's artificial nature, but garnered even more media attention when the object suddenly generated what appeared to be a fully functional wormhole. A star system was observable on the other side of the wormhole which the spacecraft collected data on.

Kalgamanian astronomers compared the data from the star system with existing stars and concluded that the enigmatic star system's characteristics closely matched those of Gliese 105, located roughly 23.6 light-years away, leading to the conclusion that the wormhole led to said system. In addition, radiocarbon dating equipment mounted the Columbus analyzed IMPERIAL-1 itself and returned a composition of mostly metals and an estimated age of around 3 billion years.

Shortly after the wormhole's opening, Emperor Nathan officially renamed IMPERIAL-1 to the Columbus Wormhole Gate.

Contact with Ingffhaestia[]

On top of the information it already collected, the Columbus detected erratic signals from the Columbus Wormhole displaying notable similarities to artificial, human-produced signals from Earth technology. This generated speculations that an extraterrestrial civilization inhabited Gliese 105, perhaps even the civilization that created the Columbus Wormhole Gate to begin with. To gather more information, humanity sent another ship named the Voyager III into the Columbus Wormhole on November 8, 2041. Unlike the Columbus, the Voyager III was manned with a crew of 14.

Following the Voyager III's entry, the ship made contact with several spaceships not matching any known human spacecraft. These ships then identified themselves as the Ingffhaestian Federation, a peaceful collection of alien civilizations native to the star system. The Ingffhaestians readily welcomed the humans into the system and taught them valuable information about their society before peacefully sending them back to Earth on Ferbuary 28, 2042.

Among the information the Ingffhaestians gave was their date of formation: 1180 AD. Based on both this piece of information and the techological capabilities of the Ingffhaestian Federation, the Kalgamanians discerned that the Ingffhaestians did not engineer the Columbus Wormhole Gate. This was confirmed in a later discussion where Ingffhaestian delegate Odyssia rei Iphelia stated not only that she carried no information on the creators of the wormhole gate, but also that exploration of the wormhole gate that existed in Ingffhaestia was considered taboo in Ingffhaestian society.

More formal, diplomatic interactions between the Earth-Kalgamanian Empire and the Ingffhaestian Federation followed, with Odyssia rei Iphelia meeting with Emperor Nathan su Kalgamania on Pluto on March 13, 2043. Ingffhaestians and humans even began immigrating between the two systems in the late 2040s, with a sizeable human colony called Neo Gaia being established on the Ingffhaestian capital of Uingffh in 2050.

Ingffhaestia and Kalgamania lived in relative peace as the two shared information about their biology and cultures. However, given Kalgamania's imperialist, xenophobic tendencies, many humans hid fear, disdain, bitterness, or even bigotry towards the Ingffhaestians. A vast disparity existed between humans immigrating to Ingffhaestia and Ingffhaestians immigrating to Sol; while humans readily established settlements in Ingffhaestia, relatively few aliens travelled to Sol with plans of long-term residence, citing rather foul treatment from humans as a prominent reason for not immigrating to the Solar System. Peace nonetheless sustained itself between the two nations due to a fear of the consequences of interstellar war - a fear that would come to disappear from Kalgamanian society with the rise of subsequent emperors like Odysseus and Rinelia.

Tense spacefaring era and the Kalgamania-Ingffhaestia Cold War (2052-2083)[]

On November 11, 2052, First Emperor Nathan su Kalgamania stepped down from the throne at age 47 due to declining health. In his place, first prince Odysseus su Kalgamania rose as Second Emperor of the Kalgamanian Empire on November 14, 2052.

Though still supportive of peace, Odysseus was notably more open about his distaste for Ingffhaestian aliens. He questioned the morality of interacting with a foreign nation, but at the same time did not entertain the thought of a war between Kalgamania and Ingffhaestia and held true to his commitment to peace. For instance, despite popular support of a proposed bill that would restrict immigration of Ingffhaestian aliens into the Solar System, Emperor Odysseus refused to make such a bill a reality.

Odysseus' priorities were put to the test when the public's awareness of the vast political and ideological differences between Ingffhaestia and Kalgamania increased in the late 2060s as interactions between citizens of the two nations increased. While the Holy Empire of Kalgamania harshly discriminated against minorities and promoted a capitalist economy, the Ingffhaestian Federation strongly supported social justice, equal rights, and economic regulations. Though Odysseus still refused to declare war on Ingffhaestia, he curbed significant amounts of funding towards the arms manufacturing industry and made efforts to expand the Kalgamanian military as preparations for a possible interstellar war. In addition to the construction of several space battleships, Kalgamania saw the creation of the world glasser, a formidable kilometer-long battleship with the ability to fire concentrated nuclear charges; these charges could travel long distances and impact planets from orbit, after which they would cause nuclear-scale destruction on the planets' surfaces.

By the 2080s, some radical Kalgamanian citizens had begun proposing a full-scale colonization of Ingffhaestia, motivated by the significant expansion of Kalgamania's already-overfunded military. Now that Kalgamania's military vastly overpowered Ingffhaestia's, fears of war against Ingffhaestia had faded away and were replaced by dreams of subjugating Ingffhaestia into the Holy Empire. However, these ideas did not become mainstream until the coronation of Rinelia in 2084.

Kalgamanian invasion of the Ingffhaestian Star System (2084)[]

Rinelia su Kalgamania painting

An illustration of Rinelia su Kalgamania, the empress of Kalgamania at the time Kalgamania invaded Ingffhaestia. Its illustrator was later executed upon coming out as bisexual.

On October 19, 2084, Emperor Odysseus and almost all of his immediate family members were found dead in Babel Palace, the castle where all seven Kalgamanian houses resided, in an apparent assassination. The only survivor was Odysseus' daughter Rinelia su Kalgamania, who took the throne at the young age of 9 the next day. The culprit behind the assassination remains unknown, but it is strongly suspected that Rinelia herself carried out the murders of Odysseus and his family in a successful attempt at becoming empress.

Empress Rinelia notably held exceptional disdain towards the Ingffhaestians and supported a colonization of Ingffhaestia; her first move as empress was to declare war against the Ingffhaestian Federation on October 31, 2084. To this end, she appointed three admirals to lead the invasions of each of Ingffhaestia's three stars; these admirals were Andrew Nargis, Princess Octavia ace Kalgamania, and Chance Cormier; immediately after Rinelia's war declaration, the three admirals' fleets flew into the Columbus Wormhole Gate and entered Ingffhaestia through the Thegasia Wormhole Gate around Heranis.

Kalgamanian invasion of Heranis[]

Heranis System map

Diagram of the Heranis System. Distances not to scale.

On November 5, 2084, Admiral Chance Cormier's fleet of 1,950 Kalgamanian battleships arrived at the outer reaches of the Heranis System, splitting up and scattering into various smaller fleets to attack the Heranian outer giant planets. On orders from Empress Rinelia to destroy all non-tabulons in sight, Cormier's fleets bombed Ingffhaestian space stations and killed countless civilians; they even shot down ships carrying evacuees fleeing the scene. In the first day alone, Cormier's forces slaughtered an estimated 627,900 Ingffhaestians.

In response to the attacks, the Ingffhaestian Federation mobilized the entirety of the Order of Scentrilla, which was stationed at the Heranis System at the time. However, Chance Cormier's forces not only outnumbered the most powerful Ingffhaestian military order by over threefold, but also possessed far superior weaponry, so they completely crushed any Scentrillan fleet attempting to oppose them.

By just November 7, Cormier had secured control of all five of Heranis' outer giant planets: Lavaria, Xong, Azure, Jasper, and Ackjay. In the process, they had destroyed over 90% of the Order of Scentrilla's spaceships and killed over 7.2 million non-humans after annihilating countless of civilian space stations. Meanwhile, the humans' fleet only suffered the loss of a single ship, which they had actually destroyed intentionally after Cormier discovered a recording of its captain confessing that he was a gay man in love with Cormier himself.

With the outer Heranian system under Kalgamanian control, Cormier's massive fleet proceeded to sunder the populated inner worlds of the Heranis System. With the Order of Scentrilla all but destroyed and its high-ranking generals and grandmasters having fled, the inner terrestrials were left practically defenseless; all five inner planets (Firades, Posladon, Ilsadite, Saryllia and its moons, and Golorra) had surrendered to Chance Cormier by only November 10.

With Heranis under Cormier's control, the admiral's next move was to carry out massive ethnic cleansings of the system's native species and demolitions of their cities in order to make way for human colonists. Across Heranis' inhabited worlds, Kalgamanian soldiers dropped down onto their surfaces and began attacking aliens and their settlements indiscriminately. They shot down children as young as infants, captured other aliens they saw as "useful" for slave labor, and burned towns to the ground. Meanwhile, Kalgamanian ships bombarded larger cities from orbit and blasted them to smithereens. All the while, privately-owned ships carrying Kalgamanian journalists broadcasted the attacks to the Kalgamanian public as imperialist propaganda.

By the end of the Heranis attack on December 26, an estimated 25.1 billion Heranian natives - over half of the Heranis System's total population - had died to Cormier's ethnic cleansing. Kalgamanian troops drove the rest of the Heranians into captivity, slavery, or hiding.

Introduction of the World Glasser[]

On November 11, during the ethnic cleansing of the moon Cornelia, the native mordion civilization began fighting back against their murderers rather than going into hiding or surrendering like the inhabitants of the other Heranian planets did. Initially limited to small-scale resistances, the mordions' revolts soon grew into a large-scale planetary uprising against Kalgamanian colonizers. From the beginning, however, the mordions had worried the humans due to their comparatively more militaristic nature.

In response to the uprising, Admiral Cormier ordered the deployment of a new Kalgamanian ship recently designed by imperial ship designer Campanella Liszt: the kilometer-long world glasser. The world glasser notably featured a pair of nuclear-powered cannons which would concentrate a nuclear blast into a laser-like beam that can be precisely fired onto the surface of a celestial body, resulting in an explosion comparable in scale to the most powerful nuclear bombs.

On November 14, the world glasser entered low Cornelian orbit and positioned itself over the apex of the uprisings, the Cornelian megacity of Corbidia. Shortly after, it fired both of its nuclear charge cannons at the city, resulting in the destruction of not only Corbidia, but also everything else within a 100 kilometer-radius of the impact site. Ultimately, the world glasser's shot killed an estimated 992,000 mordions immediately while the resulting radioactivity killed another 1.4 million.

The introduction of the world glasser corresponded in a drastic decrease in mordion rebelliousness. The threat of orbital mass destruction effectively subdued mordion uprisings and made mordion subjects submit to Kalgamanian authorities out of fear. By November 20, Cormier had restored order to Cornelia, with only a negligible amount of new mordion captures per day.

Kalgamanian invasion of Avimotalis[]

Avimotalis System map

Diagram of the Avimotalis System. Distances not to scale.

On November 14, 2084, Admiral Andrew Nargis and his fleet of 1,422 ships reached the outer limits of the Avimotalis System, where the Order of Korvinius was currently stationed. Due to the Avimotalian forces' higher ship numbers compared to the Heranian forces, Admiral Nargis initially experienced some difficulty in conquering the system. Around Avimotalis' outer ice and gas giants, Ingffhaestia-allied ships regularly pushed Kalgamanian ships out using their superior numbers.

However, the arrival of the world glasser from the Heranis System on November 20 allowed the war to turn towards Kalgamania's favor. The mere sight of the ship that sundered Cornelia in a single shot proved sufficient to intimidate many of the pacifistic lortei into submitting to Kalgamanian rule. By the end of November 2084, the local leaders of the Avimotalis System's eight outer giant planets had all surrendered to the Holy Empire.

Despite the bleak outlook of the war, the Order of Korvinius continued fighting. In addition to attempting to hold off further Kalgamanian attacks, the Order also began devising strategies to defeat the world glasser. However, the lortei's surrender had deprived the Federation forces of their critical numerical advantage, allowing the HKAF forces to overwhelm and dominate them with relative ease. Slowly, Nargis began claiming the Avimotalis System's inner worlds; by the end of November, the planets of Lurmes, Albor, Sahariana, and Rasaidor had fallen under the fleet admiral's control.

Notably, the Order of Korvinius seemingly lessened its resistance to Kalgamanian attacks during the aforementioned four planets' conquests. This was, in actuality, a new strategy employed by the order where it would concentrate its forces around the planet Pluma, where the ships would wait to initiate a surprise attack against Nargis. However, the Kalgamanian admiral saw through the Korvinians' plan and, in order to foil it, had the world glasser fire a long-range shot at Pluma, destroying many of the Pluman forces while forcing the rest out of hiding and into disarray. From there, Admiral Nargis eliminated the remaining Korvinian ships with ease.

With the Order of Korvinius all but decimated, Kalgamania took control of the remaining planets of Euphemia, Olympia, and Exicle with significant ease. On December 4, 2084, Avimotalis was declared annexed by the Holy Empire.

Kalgamanian invasion of Ingffhaestia[]

Ingffhaestian System map

Diagram of the Ingffhaestian System. Distances not to scale.

Shortly after Admiral Nargis completed his invasion of Avimotalis, Princess Octavia ace Kalgamania began her assault on the Ingffhaestian planetary system itself, the final stronghold of the Ingffhaestian Federation. There, the Orders of Novus and Kerbos had stationed themselves in preparation of defending the system from the Empire. Though they had prepared for a Kalgamanian attack, the swift and brutal conquests of Avimotalis and Heranis left their morale severely dampened; their morale only dampened further when Cormier and Nargis' fleets joined with Princess Octavia's, creating a massive Kalgamanian invasion force whose ships vastly outnumbered Ingffhaestia's.

In the Battle of Prerus of December 10, 2084, the Novus and Kerbos fleets combined into a single large fleet and carried out one final, grand assault against the Kalgamanian fleet. However, despite the Ingffhaestian fleet's numbers now more evenly matching Kalgamania's the Kalgamanian fleet completely and utterly demolished the Ingffhaestian fleet via a single shot from the world glasser's cannons. The shot destroyed over half of the Ingffhaestian fleet while throwing the rest into disarray, which allowed the Kalgamanian fleet to dispatch them with great ease. The only Ingffhaestian survivors were the Kerbos Order's grandmaster, fir highest-ranking generals, and the Novus Order's grandmaster, who all fled after the embarassing defeat.

From there, the imperial invasion of Ingffhaestia began to resemble a massacre more than an actual war. Cormier, Nargis, and Octavia's operations transitioned to the ethnic cleansing of native species and the orbital bombardment of Ingffhaestian worlds. First came the Sacking of Digrazia, where Kalgamanian forces led by Admiral Cormier ruthlessly attacked the terraformed moon Digrazia orbiting the binary ice giants Urden and Entreri on December 11. There, Cormier's ships shot down at Digrazian settlements from orbit, decimating both cities and natural landmarks; afterwards, his troops shuttled down onto the moon and proceeded to either capture or massacre any non-humans they encountered on the moon. Due to Digrazia's multicultural, united nature, Cormier had Digrazia's sacking broadcasted as anti-multiculturalist propaganda on Kalgamanian media outlets.

Meanwhile, Nargis attacked Ibiridius and the Ophisian settlements there. In direct defiance towards the Federation's policy of anti-interventionism regarding the Ophisians, Admiral Nargis bombarded key Ophisians settlements from orbit as his subordinates proclaimed themselves and the rest of the human race as gods sent to punish the Ophisians for their impurity. Only the Odelium, a space station containing pacifist Ophisians who disassociated themselves with the rest of Ophisian society, was spared due to their compliance towards the humans. Like Cormier, Nargis instigated the capture of Ophisians for use as slave labor, but to a much lesser degree compared to Cormier due to the landing difficulties presented by Ibiridius' rapid spin.

This left Octavia to carry out attacks against the many space stations and outposts on or around Ingffhaestia's less populated worlds. The Holy Empire's eighth princess had human imperial troops raid colonies on Ajooni, Siara, Saringffh, and Moringffh as well as major space stations around Sovin and Rimuru. Because of these outposts' relatively low populations, they fell under Kalgamanian control rather quickly.

By December 20, almost all of Ingffhaestia had fallen under Kalgamanian control. The only worlds still under Federation control were Coppelius and its moons. With its orders and military completely defeated, Uingffhaestia held no ability to build up or launch a counterattack, so the three Kalgamanian admirals allowed its population to hopelessly watch as the Holy Empire conquered all of the planets around it with the utmost brutality.

Invasion of Uingffh, Bombing of Neo Gaia, and Persecution of the Kaywell Royal Family[]

On December 20, 2084, the Holy Empire of Earth-Kalgamania commenced the Invasion of Uingffh and the conquest of the Coppelian System, the final stronghold of the Ingffhaestian Federation. The Earth Empire first began by destroying any space stations still in orbit of Coppelius, killing any tabulons and other non-human sentients on board; notably, Admiral Chance Cormier attempted to crash some of these space stations onto Uingffh itself, but the other two admirals advised against this, citing the possible use of the space stations for materials as well as the likelihood that the space stations would simply fall into Coppelius instead.

Afterwards, Octavia, Nargis, and Cormier reached out to Uingffh's Neo Gaia colony, where its human inhabitants and local government had notably declined to comment on or contribute to the invasion of Ingffhaestia. The three admirals implored the inhabitants to go out, subjugate the tabulons, and conquer Uingffh in exchange for a number of rewards including nobility status. However, the Neo Gaians refused, having developed highly cordial relations with the natives; declaring the tabulons and other Ingffhaestians not only their equals, but also their friends, the Neo Gaian humans declared their secession from the Kalgamanian Empire and their refusal to support their war effort.

Enraged, Admiral Cormier suggested that the HKAF forces bombard Neo Gaia from orbit; sharing their fellow admiral's sentiments, Princess Octavia and Lord Nargis agreed, commencing the Bombing of Neo Gaia on December 21, 2084. First, Cormier's world glasser fired upon the Neo Gaian capital of Neo York, generating a massive explosion comparable to a nuclear blast; this killed 789,000 in Neo York while destroying the entire city. Afterwards, the HKAF fired its main ship cannons at other areas of the continent, decimating other major population centers in Neo Gaia. Several unarmed civilian ships launched off of Neo Gaia's surface and attempted to evacuate from the area, but the admirals' fleets simply shot them down. By the end of the 21st, the Kalgamanian fleet had bombarded Neo Gaia to the point of rendering it uninhabitable, with the death toll reaching 215 million.

Shortly after the bombing of Neo Gaia, all of Uingffh's nations quickly surrendered to Kalgamania; however, wanting to intimidate the aliens and radicalize the humans even more, Empress Rinelia ordered her fleet to orbitally bombard the rest of Uingffh anyway. On December 22, the Empire's ships all opened fire on Uingffh, causing destruction across the Uingffhian surface. Details on this orbital bombardment are nebulous due to significant Kalgamanian censorship and propaganda, but it is known that the attack destroyed almost every major city on Uingffh except for the Yang-Moof megacity, which Rinelia desired to convert into a metropolis for upper-class humans. The final death toll is estimated to be at least 2 billion.

After the bombardment, Kalgamanian troops descended onto the moon with orders to capture any tabulons in sight to use them as slaves, destroy any surviving tabulon settlements to make way for human colonies, and to corral particularly resistant tabulons into newly-established ghettos for them to impoverish in. Out of the roughly 12 billion tabulons remaining on Uingffh, the HKAF's troops captured an estimated 5.8 billion of them, with the remaining 6.2 billion either being forced into ghettos or going into hiding.

Most of Uingffh's world leaders successfully went into hiding, allowing for Uingffh's relatively quick restoration to order when the moon was liberated in 2099. However, a notable exception existed with the Kingdom of Kaywell's royal family, who hid instead in their castle in the city of Korroway when Kalgamanian troops led by Admiral Chance Cormier surrounded it on December 24. That day, Cormier caught Second Prince Sarnus Robau Kaywell wandering near the palace gates searching for his younger sister Urlum, who unbeknownst to him had went into hiding underground. Holding the Second Prince at gunpoint, Cormier and his many troops gave him the choice of opening the locked palace gates and being granted a place in the Kalgamanian space navy as a reward, or refusing and subsequently being gunned down. Fearing for his life, Sarnus accepted the former option and let the troops in. This granted the Second Prince the title of HKAF ship captain, but at the cost of his family, whom the troops captured save for Urlum. Rinelia would make the rest of the Kaywell family her slaves as a symbol of her and her empire's power.

Eventually, after weeks of bloodshed and destruction on Uingffh, the Ingffhaestian Federation's government (or, more aptly, what remained of it) officially broadcasted their surrender on January 16, 2085, marking the official annexation of the Ingffhaestian Star System by the Holy Kalgamanian Empire. Shortly after, on January 17, 2085, the first two human colonists since the conquest of Ingffhaestia - Raphael Samaya and Trey Rembran - arrived on Uingffh for the first time. By then, the Uingffhian death toll had reached 2.95 billion due to the suppression of small-scale tabulon revolts and the spread of Earth diseases amongst tabulons.

Escape of the I.F.S. Isoia and the I.F.S. Urdenmark[]

Unbeknownst to the Holy Empire, the Ingffhaestian Federation had foreseen an invasion from Kalgamania. However, knowing that there existed no way for Ingffhaestia to match Kalgamania's military strength within a feasible time period or without incurring public outcry, the government instead opted to create evacuation measures in case of a Kalgamanian invasion.

By October 2084, this evacuation measure had reached its completed form: a pair of ships, the I.F.S. Isoia and the I.F.S. Urdenmark, equipped with experimental warp technology derived from the Thegasia Wormhole Gate. These two ships were intended to warp into another star system out of Kalgamania's reach; there, any evacuees would create a new society using the resources aboard the ships. Both the Isoia and the Urdenmark came equipped with enough space to house roughly a million individuals each, plenty of food and water, portable shelters, and other materials necessary to quickly and efficiently establish a colony.

However, due to Ingffhaestia's long-running superstitions regarding wormhole technology, only a little less than a million tabulons from the Uveerius and Liyres regions of Uingffh volunteered to evacuate via the two ships. When Kalgamania began invading Ingffhaestia on December 10, the two ships warped. The Federation was unable to track the two ships' status, but the two ultimately warped to the 55 Cancri System with success, where the tabulon evacuees eventually established the Imperium of Isoia-Urdenmark, which would come to make contact with the Imperial Sovereignty of Garmageddon several decades later.

Colonial spacefaring era (2085-2098)[]

After the fall of Ingffhaestia, billions of human settlers from a wide range of societal statuses flocked to Ingffhaestia, eager to create new lives their and reap the system's vast resources. All the while, Kalgamanian society lauded the Holy Kalgamanian Armed Forces for their efforts in conquering Ingffhaestia; they hailed Nargis, Octavia, and Cormier as the Three Conquerors, who became living legends in Kalgamanian history.

Kalgamania then proceeded transitioned into a colonial power similar to European nations during the 19th and 20th centuries, only on an interstellar scale. The Empire began extending its discriminatory policies towards Ingffhaestian species, justifying them with notions that the human race held genetic superiority over Ingffhaestia's various natives. Ingffhaestians were barred from participating in Kalgamanian society and were either sent to concentration camps for experimentation, were forced to work perpetually in unhealthy conditions for one of the empire's many private businesses, or were simply executed. Kalgamania separated entire families and occasionally even murdered children as young as newborns. Pro-Kalgamania nationalists set up propaganda that portrayed member species of the now-fallen Ingffhaestian Federation as evil and blasphemous, while Empress Rinelia and the imperial government forced schools to give biased, "unapologetically pro-Kalgamanian" information pertaining to why non-humans were not to be trusted. Settlers introduced invasive earth species to many worlds that led to the extinction of millions of native alien species. Nationalism also became rampant, with Kalgamanian flags being held up in almost every public place and schools being forced to give patriotic education, including the daily recital of a pledge and singing of an anthem.

"Kalgamanization" of Ingffhaestia and the Formation of the Gliese Indigenous Police[]

The most significant aspect of Kalgamania's transition into a colonial interstellar nation was the suppression of Ingffhaestia's culture, identity, etc. and their replacement with human and Kalgamanian values. This shift first became apparent in Ingffhaestia's very name; immediately after the Federation's surrender, Empress Rinelia had Ingffhaestia and its companions renamed to their human names: Gliese 105 A, Gliese 105 C, and Gliese 105 B. Their planets also saw renaming, with their new human names following pre-existing customs for exoplanet naming. For instance, Coppelius became Gliese 105 A f; Uingffh, Gliese 105 A f I.

Then came the demolition of most structures built by the native Ingffhaestians. The Holy Empire destroyed most towns and cities built by aliens to make way for cities built for human settlers, with any surviving aliens being forced onto reservations and ghettoes containing notoriously subpar living and sanitary conditions. Kalgamania placed heavy emphasis on destroying important cultural landmarks and Ingffhaestian flags, which were replaced by monuments commemorating Kalgamanian war heroes and Kalgamanian flags. The only native structures spared were megacities like Yang-Moof City on Uingffh or Yessemteon Rhombi on Cornelia, which were preserved and converted into human settlements due to their immense size and value.

Afterwards, Kalgamania carried out the destruction of native Ingffhaestian biospheres and their replacement with lifeforms important from Earth. Across Ingffhaestian habitable worlds, humans both intentionally and unintentionally introduced invasive Earth species, which would compete with native wildlife for resources already rendered scarce by endless exploitation and consumption by humans and Kalgamanian corporations. Compared to other aspects of Kalgamanization, however, attacks on Ingffhaestian wildlife carried mixed effectiveness; in some environments, particularly ones unique compared to Earth environments, native wildlife survived much more easily than invasive Earth species due to being better adapted for their habitats. In addition, some Kalgamanians pursued efforts to preserve and cultivate particularly ornamental Ingffhaestian flora for decorative purposes.

However, the most significant development during Ingffhaestia's "Kalgamanization" was the formation of the Gliese Indigenous Police (GIP), which Rinelia created through the Gliese Indigenous Patrol Act of June 4, 2086. The Gliese Indigenous Police was established specifically to suppress aliens and prevent them from disturbing human colonists' lifestyles using any means necessary. The GIP also served as a slave patrol, establishing a system of terror and squashing slave uprisings using its capacity to pursue, apprehend, and return runaway slaves to their owners. Throughout the Colonial Spacefaring Era, thousands, possibly millions of non-human sentients fell victim to police brutality incidents at the hands of the GIP, who conducted murders, tortures, incapacitations, and massacres against the natives.

As the era progressed, the GIP's power and influence only grew, with the GIP becoming a form of morality police or secret police for the Kalgamanian government and Empress Rinelia. The Gliese Indigenous Police's expanded to include disbanding pro-alien rights protests (often in violent ways) and eliminating public figures sympathetic to aliens. It also came to partake in the suppression of humans in marginalized groups, most notably the LGBTQ+ community. in addition, the GIP eliminated people and groups who in general spoke out against Kalgamania, its government, and its practices.

Formation of the Solar Guard[]

The formation of the Gliese Indigenous Police sparked discussions on the formation of a similar police force focusing on the Solar System. Such a force, instead of policing and suppressing aliens, would police and moderate the actions of humans living within the Solar System and enforce the traditions and ideals of the Kalgamanian Empire.

On November 5, 2087, Empress Rinelia passed the Solar System Protection Act, which established such a promised police force: the Solar Guard. The Solar Guard efficiently fulfilled its purpose; throughout the next several years, the Guard succeeded in arresting many of Kalgamania's critics and opposers, breaking up protests against Kalgamania's policies, and ensuring that the populace of the Solar System abided by the Holy Empire's strict traditions, social norms, and customs. It would also come to function as a secret police for Rinelia, with individuals opposed to specifically the empress comprising an estimated 34% of people arrested by the Solar Guard between its formation and 2099.

Seraphim Rebellion (2099)[]



Kalgamania can be found on NationStates at https://www.nationstates.net/nation=earth-kalgamania.
