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Day of Terror (Spanish: Día del Terror) is an annual festival typically held across Canterbury. It is best known for the Máscaras de Huesos (lit. Bone Masks), colorful masks typically made out of plastic, wood, or even skulls on occasion. The festival, which takes place annually from the 28th of October until the 2nd of November, is considered the second largest in all of Canterbury, attracting over 20 million people every year. Festivals take place in all major cities, as well as large towns and villages. Attractions include all-day fairs, evening dances, plays, and fireworks. The festivities end with a massive light show in Orléans on Halloween night.


A man wearing Máscaras de Huesos during the Night of the Bonfires.


The festival was first held in 1995 by Victor Rodríguez in the Parque de Cristobal, located in Orléans. Rodríguez wanted to create a celebration similar to Halloween in North America. He took inspiration from festivals including the Day of the Dead, Samhain and even the reign of Sebastian "Diablo" Capitan. Gaelic and Celtic traditions have also heavily influenced the festivities.

Practices and activities[]


Many may dress in formal suits, though wearing various costumes is also allowed.


Common foods include roasted chestnuts, pumpkin pie. Wine is also consumed.


Various games such as apple-bobbing are played.

Night of the Bonfires[]

Participants typically dress in formal black and white suits, and Máscaras de Huesos are worn. On the Night of the Bonfires, participants stand around a large bonfire and hold torches to symbolize the acts of arson perpetrated by the men of Sebastian "Diablo" Capitan. Afterwards, many people quietly walk to old churches ringing bells in commemoration of the dead.
