Hey Guys. SPC Kaufman 99 here. Let's face it, JOSEPH BIDEN has caused this ECONOMY to SLUMP...! and crazy KAMABLA with all of her WHACKY ANTICS would have caused the economy to VANISH! (YES, IT'S TRUE FOLKS!) Dolan Trum was CLEARLY the correct choice (though I voted for RFK myself!) . I love the Ecconony
shout out transgenders
hii im gonna like try to edit some more here!
specifically, in my sardinia universe. more specifically, the national republic of italy, which is gonna be formed after Meloni self coups xD
I Have Returned (In a New Account)
Okay, let me explain.
So, I'm InterstateMaker, but in a new account. The reason why is simple: A new PC.
Before I made this follow-up account, I was InterstateMaker, a humble page creator that made the now famous page Kokomo (which recently won Featured Article, so thanks for that!) and its districts, freeways, and amenities. However, at the beginning of June, I wanted a new PC, since the old one was outdated (It was manufactured in 2012, which was eleven years ago).
That meant starting over from scratch, including my Fandom account InterstateMaker, so I waited, and waited, until I returned from my trip to Pensacola, in which I realized that all my data was gone.
Just today, I attempted logging back in to my old account InterstateMaker, even t…
Matba ers defolga
Jahor en bavaxe esen, del lem vorns ons wendevothica lorsorva. Irraca rastas van def vunca plax, sem me dangar? Nel. Tothe vascade. Gorawande zora Zymidicate gora emthik des matba ers defolga. Vor de mes, harkar rendas ithyriu ovan lorksas qatare jan! Methamar jahor em des vork, la matba ers defolga pork gorvin!
Can you create fictional US States?
As the title says, I was wondering whether or not you could create fictional US states?
The Rising Sun updates
I will now put a hold on to the Third Sino-Japanese War. Its taking a long time and I don't feel like working on it. It seems like a good idea, but I work on it a bit I want to work on to future events. This is kinda also the reason why I shortened the war from 2026 to 2023. Anyways, have a nice day.
Hi everyone reading this. What I’m working on is Muffin Island, so if you see me from time to time that’s what I’m doing
Some really long battles
Remembering some comments Ava made about a really long Battle of Kinshasa that lasted from 2029 to 2041 iirc, within their hypothetical 968th Congolese Civil War, resulted in me thinking about some really long battles I've heard of (note that some of these battles may lack Wikipedia articles, but still could be classified as a battle or a series of battles):
- The Battle of Beirut: which doesn't have its own Wikipedia page, but has some articles dedicated to it. Throughout the duration of the Lebanese Civil War, Beirut was continuously fought over until the war concluded with a peace agreement in 1991.
- The Battle of Aleppo: Approximately 46 groups fight over a city in Syria, from 2012 to 2016. The Syrian rebels who fought in the Syrian Civil War…
Why I'm leaving the Discord until 2024
Hey there, HCCW.
As you may already know, I'm leaving HCCWD and HHWD for a while. To put it simply, there's just so much in my life bending on how I perform right now that i had to really ascertain how important these sites were to me and whether they were preventing me from giving attention to the more important things in my life.
There are so many aspects of my life that are far more important than Fandom. My family. My friends. My religion. Yet each and every one of these things was being put off because I was prioritizing Fandom. I, like in October, and like in December of 2021, and like in June of 2021, and like in January of 2021, and like in July of 2020, decided that I need a break. Except this time, I'm determined to not have to tak…
Update about Japan
Ima make it its timeline longer so it wont be just stuck at 2030. So more work! Yay.
The old Lavassia
This is an outdated and old version of Lavassia made for those of you who prefer this one. For the newer version, go here.
The Lavassian Imperium, otherwise known as the Imperium and commonly just Lavassia, was a radical right-wing intergalactic superpower spanning across the Milky Way, its accompanying interstellar space, and parts of Andromeda. It is infamous for its authoritarian-style government and for ruling oppressively. Its capital is located in the Salboria Star System, in which Colarium, Lavassia’s home planet, resides. The Imperium was inhabited mainly by Krybolotinian Lizards (known as Lavassian Lizards at the time), but it also had a huge population of slaves on which Lavassian society was based on. The Lavassian Imperium formed on …
Poxy6's Policy of Wiki Copyright
As I have seen SuperBuu731 do before me, I am hereby instating a personal copyright policy pertaining to all of my content. I have decided to create this as a precautionary measure in case somebody actually does steal my original content. Please be aware that the following policy is applicable across all wikis I am active on.
Any text used in my articles is hereby copyrighted; specifically, unique phrases like quotes and mottos. Any and all users who wish to either use or reference them must message me beforehand for my approval. bear in mind that I'm not copyrighting my specific words- anyone can write the word "conflict", however I am copyrighting my original, made-up words, like "kryoquake". I'm also copyrighting words for which I have mad…
Random and Maybe Non-Canonical Things Related to Deep End
Longest word in Krybolotinian:
Kagovyschinigramahtalopredinyon (An emotional state of extreme happiness mixed with worry and a twinge of longing)
Poxy6's Policy of Wiki Copyright
As I have seen SuperBuu731 do before me, I am hereby instating a personal copyright policy pertaining to all of my content. I have decided to create this as a precautionary measure in case somebody actually does steal my original content. Please be aware that the following policy is applicable across all wikis I am active on.
Any text used in my articles is hereby copyrighted; specifically, unique phrases like quotes and mottos. Any and all users who wish to either use or reference them must message me beforehand for my approval. bear in mind that I'm not copyrighting my specific words- anyone can write the word "conflict", however I am copyrighting my original, made-up words, like "kryoquake". I'm also copyrighting words for which I have mad…
I spy with my little eye.... A REFERENCE!
AHA! I found a reference in Morbidia! How didn't I spot this before?
The emboldened line is a refrence to Yeros Demio Kalama's quote pertaining to Lavassian Lizards from the Lavassia article.
Seems a bit ironic that the Levassio-haters are unknowingly quoting other-universe Levassians. But thanks for the ref, Litia!
What do you think of the Polish Federation page so far? Also, the Federation page will be in the Collapse of Unions series, one of many I will be doing, even though the page doesn't say the Polish Federation (Collapse of Unions).
Polish Federation Announcements
Some announcements for the Polish Federation below:
- The Polish Federation is under major construction. Edits are weekly and/or daily and may be sparse. All of the maps on the page are made from Map chart. More may come as I progress through the page.
- This is part of a hypothetical series where all of the major country unions, excluding the UN, have collapsed and have thrown the world into the calamitous first phase of the upcoming World War Three page.
- If anyone wants to collab their Hypothetical Earth nations with me, please message me on my wall.
The Thanos of Age of the Empire
Jake Kallo is going to be the Thanos of Age of the Empire. He thinks his way of things is the only way to save the universe from complete destruction, as well as the only way to bring everlasting order and stability. His conversation with The Ancient One, and being betrayed by the Empire, is what shaped these views. However, he will be broken, he will loose everything that he cares about. As a result, his views will only solidify and harden. He will set out to bring the Milky Way, Xallator, Andromeda, and everything else under his iron fisted rule, no matter the cost. To showcase his sheer commitment to the cause, he will forever forsake his birth name. He will forever be known as: Jharos, once the name of an ancient Viaarii leader.
Jharos w…
About to die.
No i not dying, i am not getting intresneted in the wiki and now i have a goal, be first in the badges. just give me something that will make me edit again! thats all oh yay china badge
Fun Facts About Me and My Work
The American Empire, Restored Imperium, and Infinite Empire were all based on various real and fictional organizations. The American Empire and Restored Imperium were largely based on Nazi Germany, the German Empire, as well as the Galactic Empire from Star Wars. The Infinite Empire was more solely based on the Galactic Empire combined the Covenant Empire from Halo, with the Nazi German influence toned down.
About the Amethysta Federation
The Amethysta Federation is a non-canon event in my universe's timeline. It is purely made for fun.
This is my first blog post. This is about making a new country.
I am going to try to make a new country in about a week.
My first page and the first time my page have been at popular page
This is the link:The disintegration of Great Britain
Hope u like it!
Moving Accounts
Hey guys, I'm making a new account because I can no longer change my username, since the limit is 2 rip
I'll be moving it to "Eeeee77."
-Eevee77 (formerly Pinkcrazy), founder of HCCW
A preview of my next page
Later today (March 3, 2018) I will be making a page on a hypothetical country I actually made way back in mid 2017...called the Polish-German Federation, it is my trademark alternate country...and I have a entire timeline with many other hypothetical countries and even hypothetical islands that all revolves around the Polish-German Federation, this is a flag map of it and it's flag ;)
Worst Indianapolis 500 races
Since this year is the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500, I decided to create a list of the worst races.
- 1 Best Races
- 1.1 1977
- 1.2 1946
- 1.3 2014
- 2 Worst
- 2.1 1973
- 2.2 1964
- 2.3 1992
By far one of the best races and of many firsts. Tom Sneva broke 200 miles per hour, and Janet Guthrie became the first woman to qualify. A.J. Foyt made his fourth win. Ranked 1.
The 1946 race only featured two crashes, which none were fatal. This was the first appearance of the race after WWII. George Robson won. Ranked 2.
No crashes occurred until lap 149, being a record for the race. Though with 9 laps remaining, Townsend Bell crashed into the wall, causing a red flag to be put out. Ryan Hunter-Reay won. Ranked 3.
By far the worst race to occur at the track. Two fatalities an…
NTC (National Tornado Center) April 1-2 tornado outbreak
Most visited articles of 2016 (March 7, 2016)
March 7, 2016
Hypothetical Cities and Countries
Dear fellow contributors,
- The most visited article changed today, replacing the July 6, 1996 tornadoes page. TornadoGenius takes the #1 spot again after gaining it back on March 2. Pinkcrazy, our wiki founder got her first Top 5 since September, when the New Sierra page was created. July 6, 1996 tornadoes takes the #3 spot as the Pierra, New Gilberto, Quextin page drops to #4.