Hypothetical Cities and Countries Wikia

(This is a non-canon timeline of my alien species, the Amethystas.) The Amethysta Federation is a corrupted third-party government housed in the capital city of Zymphorite City in the planet Zymidicate. They got tired of losing every election and took over the entire planet, abusing the powers of the most powerful material on the planet, zymphorite. After successfully taking over the planet, they had the goal of taking over the entire Milky Way galaxy which proved to be more difficult than they expected. A number of sectors owned by different extraterrestrials had to be defeated in order to accomplish a near-impossible task. Due to this, many lives were lost and many species and planets (sometimes entire star systems) were completely wiped out of existence, and was proved to be the worst artificial disaster in the Laniakea Supercluster. Although the federation never knew about the other nation's powers, they somehow made it a success. All of this beginning in one tiny solar system. Solar why don't you rewrite the introduction? Hmmmmm??!?!??!


The Amethysta Federation was actually just a political party at first. They stride to win a presidental election similar to that of the United States of America during 2023 Earth. They go against 3 other parties: Xenoradic Divinity, Crystalline Leopardicans, & Liberatiors. During every 8 years, an election for a new presidental candidate in Exazymphora usually takes place, but most of the time, the Amethysta Federation lost many of their votes. It took them long enough until they were fed up of being lost and corrupted itself. They had the thought of taking over the entire planet, which proved to be extremely easy to manipulate. Now with even more dedication with their newfound power, they begin to plot to take over the entire galaxy: The Milky Way. Many leaders were tedious at first of this near-impossible task, but Solara, the emperor, decided it is a good idea. And so they accomplish this task but not with many casualties and problems on the way of their own kind; and other intelligent lifeforms. Their battles get harder and harder as they take over sector after sector, ending with one of the strongest and most intelligent alien species in the local group: Voranis Okladus Zars, aka the Xalv'êaly Vacrons or just Vacrons for short.


Here are some facts about the different intelligent species of the Milky Way before you read their ultimate demise below.

Amethysta Federation (Amethystas)[]


Solara Harvandge Ullious Tayremmas

The Amethystas, scientific name Amethysaria Zymidious, are the species that govern the fascist group Amethysta Federation, which took over the entire Milky Way galaxy. They are hovering crystalline octahedrons that breathe methane and are highly intelligent and technologically advanced. Before the Amethysta Federation became a superpower, they were actually already in conflict with another slightly less intelligent species called the azurloxes, a fox-like creature that were once in the industrial age but got hands on amethysta technology and adapted quickly, where they built a rival megacity to Zymphorite City, the spiral metropolis of Ziliri Zarambia, Remvixtrilla Vista.
Anyways, this conflict began in 3292 when an azurlox named Seffar Wulda'ves Quornej accidentally made fun of Vuldalvia Aspyrvion Flerziar, the leader of Exazymphora at that time. That sparked a lot of attention and Vuldalvia ended up shooting Seffar before the azurlox said anything, which could of been a whole different story if Vuldalvia waited for Seffar to speak. Nowadays, azurloxes are banned from most amethysta-controlled territory and are only allowed in a few countries. For example, Remvixtrilla Vista is a completely azurlox-controlled country, the largest one in fact. Amethystas are allowed to live in azurlox countries but are on high surveillance. Otherwise, amethystas live a normal peaceful life much like humans in the 21st century.

Amethystas (Amethysaria Zymidious) live on the planet Zymidicate, a superearth planet with higher temperatures than Earth, ranging from 25°F (-4°C) near the poles to 135°F (57°C) near the equator. The size of Zymidicate is 1.4 times the size of Earth, and has 1.1 times more gravity. It was discovered using the transit method, and had a 142% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2134. The atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, oxygen, methane, and water vapor (Water vapor because this is a very humid and tropical planet). The star, Zymysticate, is a G1V spectral class yellow-dwarf star about 3.8 billion years old and is 1.1 times more massive than the Sun.

Tavulon Exora Empira (Tavulons)[]


Varlum Yulae Kayzell

The tavulons also known as Tavulontix Malakino are colorful cat-like aliens with wing-like appendages whose bodies are shaped like spheres. They are pretty socially intelligent with each other and even other species. They usually like to live in peace without any conflicts, and even befriended the humans which expanded the galactic peacekeeping operation. These species originated from their homeworld, Yuingffh and much like the amethystas, they also build large cities. For example, the Bang Roof Luxorium is a large megacity with a population close to a billion residents.
Yuingffh how it currently is wasn't always like this. A long time ago, the planet's surface looked completely different. The tavulon's predecesor were the tanulons, basically the tavulons but less intelligent, and had less features than their modern ancestors. These creatures roamed the planet long before the tavulons arrived. They lived in peace and were heavily industrialized until something happened which changed the entire crust of the planet, making Yuingffh almost unrecognizable. The new surface surfaced the tavulons after a tanulon survived and restarted the intelligent life on the planet. Just below the new crust is a massive chasm which contains the old Yuingffh surface, frozen in time.
After that intense event, the tavulons adapted to their environments around the world and then present day Yuingffh was born. The humans had made contact with the tavulons and were accepted to help out with their technology advances. Until the amethystas invade... (Inspired by Litia's Tabulons)

Tavulons (Tavulontix Malakino) live on the planet Yuingffh, a superearth moon with higher temperatures than Earth, ranging from 51°F (11°C) near the poles to 151°F (66°C) near the equator. The size of Yuingffh is 1.3 times the size of Earth, and has 1.1 times more gravity. It was discovered using the transit method, and had a 120% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2030. The atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. This is a moon of Correlius, a gas giant that is 4 times the size of Jupiter but only 1.1 times the mass and gravity. The star, Fingffhaestia, is a K3V spectral class yellow-dwarf star about 11.3 billion years old and is .7 times less massive than the Sun.

Homo Sapiens (Humans)[]


Kenzie Fitzgerald

The humans of Earth surely had a violent past. These intelligent monkeys were once cave-dwelling hunter gatherers, using their spears and daggers to hunt for resources. They would then group together in small tribes near northern Africa after the Ice Age and create many settlements in what we call the Fertile Crescent. Many successful cities were built here during the iron age, life was all so perfect... until you're proven wrong. Murdering started becoming a thing when there were revolts and fights against people, and it doesn't matter if you're a king, queen, emperor, or empress, or just a normal citizen. You surely would have angered someone and then be threatened with the knock on death's door. Now, this doesn't just happen on a small scale like this.
Fast forward a thousand years, where all the bloody stuff happens. You get big wars like the crusades, three kingdoms, american revolution, world wars, etc. These people attack each other over conflicts, and refuse to resolve it peacefully! That is what it is like until climate change was a big deal. Parts of the planet are starting to becoming uninhabitable and the world came together to try to stop it starting in 2042. The best idea from NASA was to colonize super-Earth planets, using warp travel to speed up the long distances which went into operation around 2100. They went on to help many species advance such as the tavulons and amethystas, which in turn help them get faster ships. They ended up befriending 4 different sectors of alien species. Unfortunately, this happy ending turned dark, very, quickly. Suddenly. Unexpectedly.

Humans (Homo Sapiens) live on Earth which orbits a star called Sun. If you don't know that then I know you're a certified alien!!!!! ;-]

Zyva Republic (Zyvaria)[]


Xifavis Ullinuzit Zyvara

Xolanine Vemptezyvalious, Zyvaria for short, are very unique creatures that live on an exotic super-Earth called Ashyrizon, as what the zyvaria call their homeworld. zyvaria are bioluminecent snake-like creatures with appendages, which they could use for swimming, flying, or carry things around. They are around 7 feet long, and 1.5 feet wide. They also have nine tails which they use for very fast swimming, and even communication where they vibrate the air or water around them to trasmit signals between each other. The responder can read these signals by two hair-like strings attached to their heads, kind of like ears.
The zyvaria were once fully aquatic creatures but soon adapted to land. Because Ashyrizon is almost a complete water planet (it has a small amount of islands on the surface), they were able to get all their resources to advance the ages much quicker than land species such as humans. Basically, they advance threefold the rate humans do, reaching a 2023-like society in the year 674. Because of this exponential society growth, they built massive underwater cities and for the land-dwelling zyvaria, terraformed some areas to create artifical floating islands, covering over 75% of the entire planet. This is almost a ecumenopolis but is not yet there.
In the year 1787, they built a dyson swarm by dismantling a Venus-sized planet to harness energy from the Sun without losing any Sunlight and used the rest of the material to build interstellar starships, colonizing other planet after planet until the now Zyva Republic becomes the most successful nation in the entire galaxy. They had zero conflicts, widly considered as a perfect society.

Zyvaria (Xolanine Vemptezyvalious) live on the planet Ashyrizon, a superearth planet with higher temperatures than Earth, ranging from 55°F (13°C) near the poles to 140°F (60°C) near the equator. The size of Ashyrizon is 1.6 times the size of Earth, and has 1.3 times more gravity. It was discovered using the gravitational microlensing method, and had a 177% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2169. The atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor (Water vapor because this is a very humid and tropical planet). The star, Excazyvala, is a F5V spectral class white main sequence star about 2.9 billion years old and is 1.3 times more massive than the Sun. At the same time, humans discovered that Exacazyvala also has a dyson swarm which explains why the Zyvaria were extremely technologically advanced.

Arcturian Society (Arcturians)[]


Vaskiekk Amnorix

The Arcturians are a very mysterious alien species that has not had a lot of research done on. They used to live on a barely habitable world known as Arcturia, which orbits the great star we call Arcturus. These shapeshifting creatures are normally around 20 feet tall, and are thought to live in the oceans of Arcturia which have receded to what we see now, just some pockets of sea left in the deepest parts. They abandoned the planet long ago when the planet began to induce a runaway greenhouse effect. Because they shapeshift, they could be beings from the 4th dimension. They now live in a large group of solar systems within their small territory near the center of the Milky Way.

Arcturians (Megarctara Rozveno) formerly lived on the planet Arcturia, a desert planet with higher temperatures than Earth, ranging from 75°F (24°C) near the poles to 160°F (71°C) near the equator. The size of Arcturia is 1.9 times the size of Earth, and has 2.6 times more gravity. It was discovered using the radial velocity method, and had a 84% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2056. The atmosphere is mostly made of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide with a small amount of water vapor. The star, Arcturus, is a K1III spectral class orange giant star about 7.1 billion years old and is 1.5 times more massive than the Sun.

Xrybolotine Providences (Blizzards)[]


Foxy Stel'io

The blizzards are anthropomorphic aliens that are somehow related to reptiles on Earth, lizards to be more specific. They vary in color kind of like chameleons but stop changing their colors at around one years old. After that point, the color they choose to be is their skin color for the rest of their life. Even though they are lizards, they call themselves blizzards because when they heard a human say 'blizzard', they instantly liked it over 'lizard' and preferred that.
They live on a planet known as Xrybolotine, a planet that is very similar to Earth. The size, gravity, and gasses are pretty much the same. But the climate is different because Bealatine, their star, is slightly smaller than the Sun and their planet slightly farther away than an astronomical unit. The lizards have many traits as humans, except violence. They normally live in peace together and build large cities around their planet. Being reptiles, they don't like getting wet so they build flood walls on beaches to avoid flooding from tropical cyclones or tsunamis.
One day, the president of Kovossa Republic got very interested in space and built an interstellar colonizer, slowly colonizing their part of the galaxy until reaching the full size within 900 years after other nations joined the movement. Instead of being an empire like other species, they rather make their new colonies as eco-friendly to their planets as possible and assist weaker alien species they come by. This friendliness made them the founders of the Saggitarius Alliance, basically a group of the seven strongest nations of the entire Milky Way galaxy. (Inspired by Poxy's Lizards)

Blizzards (Xrybevo Caceratos) live on the planet Xrybolotine, a Earth-like planet with colder temperatures compared to that of Earth, ranging from -97°F (-72°C) near the poles to 105°F (41°C) near the equator. The size of Xrybolotine is just slightly the smaller than that of Earth, and has nearly the same gravity. It was discovered using the transit method, and had 99% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2073. The atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. The star, Bealatine, is a G3V spectral class yellow-dwarf star about 5 billion years old and is 0.9 times smaller than the Sun. WIP

Sriatic Empire (Wispiryo)[]


Florius Espaste

The Wispiryo are small, firefly-like beings that somehow has intelligence. They are mainly spherical in shape, and are bioluminecent which means they can glow. Normally they are translucent but when they glow, they are attracting 🔥hot singles in their area🔥 other Wispiryo for mating.
These aliens live on the planet Witra, a planet almost identical to that of Earth. The Wispiryo originated as a non-intelligent species but slowly evolved to get that trait. Unlike other sentient species, Wispiryo can't do some basic tasks due to having no arms/appendages. Instead, they use teamwork to do things such as lifting things up or gathering material. They live in the ground by burrowing as they can't build structures.
That is until the Vystorians appeared to assist in their evolution in technology. They brang tools and even prosthetics to help Wispiryo do tasks they couldn't have done before. Now with their newfound prosthetics, they can finally do agriculture, build above-ground structures, and defend themselves against predators. They continue to advance faster and faster until they built their first spaceship due to their interest in space. After this big leap of faith, they upgraded this same ship until they are able to visit other solar systems, and erect their own space empire. (Inspired by Sria's florias)

Wispiryo (Wispondari Lirosria) live on the planet Witra, a Earth-like planet with similar temperatures to that of Earth, ranging from -56°F (-49°C) near the poles to 137°F (58°C) near the equator. The size of Witra is similar to that of Earth, and has 1.1 times more gravity. It was discovered using the transit method, and had a 97% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2021. The atmosphere is mostly made of Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. The star, Ictawispaa, is a G2V spectral class yellow-dwarf star about 2 billion years old and is about the same size as the Sun.

Voranis Okladus Zars (Vacrons)[]


Vyätupplîwafdé Asgørlahètá Mytëžimwooórs Xa

Rthretticqk Xalv'êalya Økladovacronià, code name vacron, are a species of ultra-high tech aliens which outclass almost every other species in the entire galaxy, only rivaled by the subaquious Zyvaria and the crystalline Amethystas. In fact, they are almost considered as gods, having the technology to hack other species' tech, even possessing gadgets that looks like it comes straight out of a sci-fi movie. Their appearance are much like a spider. They have six legs, a pair of wings, vary in color, have no visible 'eyes' but actually do. They see with sound, having extreme hearing capabilities. For reference, a vacron can hear a fly buzzing a mile away in an open field. Because they do have six legs, they normally walk on all of six of their legs but whenever they need to, they can always just walk on four and use the other two to carry things around, making it an arm leg hybrid. Not just their front two pairs but they can also do so with their rear legs.
Vacrons live on Thalvsajsluú, a ecumenopolis planet that is sprawling with massive symmetrical cities. It is a very beautiful planet as seen from space. Its two moons, Rÿthrrtïwuq and Xärkvîkasné are also completely transformed, both of which are space stations for tourism and interstellar commerence. While we're at it, they also built two artificial rings around Thalvsajsluú. The inner ring, Ful'ja, was built for residental purposes, allowing vacrons to live in space and have a spetacular view of Thalvsajsluú from above. Also has a dock for space tourism. The outer ring, Ful'žær, was built for militarial purposes. Vacrons use Ful'žær for sending out probes, scout ships, or full on starships.
It isn't just their planet that is completely decked out with technology. Their star, Erdèäprtøs, is also covered with bling. A dyson sphere consisting of four rotating rings revolve around Erdèäprtøs, harnessing energy from the star while also using the same energy to power a special device that can help stabilize the star from aging further, essentially having an infinite energy source and heat source! The device, as called by the vacrons, is known as Vùlpsær. It uses energy directly from the dyson sphere to shoot a laser beam into Erdèäprtøs, vibrating the entire star to prevent solar storms, and the fusion of heavier elements. The prevention of fusion is to stop the star from ever aging again.
The vacrons are basically living a life of paradise in their own solar system. They don't just live here though; they also have colonized other planets and moons in and out of their system, taking over an entire galactic arm. They enjoy their god-like powers, but don't abuse it on other nations and prefer to keep things peaceful with neighboring alien species. If provoked, they will not hesitate to fire back with the necessary firepower to scare the attacker to cease. If that doesn't work, they have a contingency plan which will be discussed later in this article under the #The Last Stand (Voranis Okladus Zars) section.

Vacrons (Rthretticqk Xalv'êalya Økladovacronià) live on the planet Thalvsajsluú, a Earth-like planet with equal temperatures to that of Earth, ranging from -40°F (-40°C) near the poles to 104°F (40°C) near the equator. The size of Thalvsajsluú is 1.8 times the size of Earth, and has 1.5 times more gravity. It was discovered using the transit method, and had a 101% habitability chance when first observed by humans in 2150. The atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide. Thalvsajsluú is a ecumenopolis, being colonized completely with cities spanning across the entire planet. There are also 2 artificial cross-rings encircling the planet, the inner ring being residental and the outer ring being militarial which is used for defense, scouting, etc. The star, Erdèäprtøs, is a A4V spectral class white-main-sequence star about 5.3 billion years old and is 1.87 times more massive than the Sun. The star's long lifespan is due to the Vacrons keeping the star from moving to the giant phase, basically having an immortal star. It also has a very advanced dyson sphere, which the vacrons use to harness energy from Erdèäprtøs while also using the same energy to stabilize the star as mentioned previously.

Pre-Battle Stage (5064-5069)[]

The 5064 Exazymphora presidental election results are about to be announced. Solara Harvandge Ullius Tayremmas, the Amethysta Federation candidate, is hoping to win this time along side his party, rooting his name. Unfortunately for him, Helvyrus Hexoaine Cyarita, the Xenoratic Divinity party's candidate, won this election. This made Solara go absolutely berserk, and a big plan came to his mind. The entire Federation also dived into his conversation, and nobody told any officials about this, which is what he wanted. A secret.
Solara announced the plan of taking over all of Exazymphora, then using all of the militarial power to themselves, enhance them to a deadly force, and then take over country after country until all of Zymidicate is theirs. Then because they took over the entire homeworld of the amethysta race, they assume their entire system and galaxy sector is theirs and cause the extinction of the azurloxes and dalivites to avoid a revolt. Now, Solara knows that there are seven other nations, and precedes to knock them out one by one. With the Saggitarius Alliance, he knows all the strengths and weaknesses of all nations and will try to attempt to break them all down using said weaknesses. Years of planning ensued and in the year 5070, six years after the beginning of his scheme, he has launched his first attack on the Exazymphora Capital Building in Zymphorite City.

Battle Phases (5070-6023)[]

Two phases, Stellar Revolution & Galactic War, are two different scale attacks against multiple groups. They have to conquer all of Zymidicate, the Xyvorication System, and lastly, the entire Milky Way galaxy.

Stellar Revolution (5070-5314)[]

Zym Political

Political map of Zymidicate as of 5069.

Stellar Revolution is the code name of the Amethysta Federation's first attacks to take over all of Zymidicate and the entire Xyvorication System. Their original plan was to attack Exazymphora itself, and then use the military power to overwhelm every other nation into surrendering, making it a fast process. They begin to plan as soon as a month after the 5064 Exazymphora presidental election ended, taking their plan of action into different scenarios. Their ultimate ploy won't procede until six years later, in 5070.
On Bloomavia 27, they hired an infamous militia group from Trikilikar known as Sarvian Vynar to bomb the Exazymphora Capital Building in the heart of Zymphorite City, and assassinate all government officials. 18 days after hiring them, their plan of action went smoothly as the building was blown to smithereens using a VS-076 military drone. The drone fired a Desvailan-120C rocket, exploding the entire structure equivelent to 500 kilograms of tnt. The assassination of Helvyrus Hexoaine Cyarita and other politicians were also successful, those working in the Capital Building at the time being killed immediately after the blast. The attack will only summon the Exazymphora Army 5 minutes after the blast, neutralizing the attackers immediately with sniper drones. Solara later figured that the plan failed because the vice president Ryaro Evalangious survived, taking office as soon as the attack ended. A day after the failure, one of the federation's members, Xyvirion Tavarak Apheria suggested invading Soliarista Tropica, a large but weak country in the middle of Zymidicate. Solara instantly loved the idea and decided to wait until Exazymphora let their guard down. The invasion later began of Soliarista Tropica on Cassivia 3, three days after Exazymphora ceased its high alert status.

Soliarista Manipulation (5070-5072)[]

Zym Takeover 0

Zymidicate alliance map as of 5069.

(This part consists of the countries Soliarista Tropica and Equaris.) During the time waiting for Exazymphora to let their guard down, Solara began planning his motive. He'd been researching on the political status of the major seats of Soliarista Tropica, finding all of the weaknesses the majority of the public doesn't know. For example, he found how Salyvar Soliarista, the nation's president, taxed citizens illegally without blowing her cover. Five days prior to invasion, Solara leaked major proparganda plus some misinformation anonymously to drive the public into chaos, leading to multiple riots in all the major cities, even Soliarista City which is the capital.
On Cassivia 3rd, Solara and his most trusted make an attack on their own, illegally entering the country underwater using a very fast submarine while the country was in total anarchy. This marks the first day of the Amethysta Federation's large scale attack on the entire galaxy. Using illegally obtained drones stolen from an Exazymphora military base, he launched a barrage of bombs onto the nation's political buildings, police departments, and military bases to further weaken the scarred country. It takes him several weeks to protect himself from riotors until he assumes himself as the new leader of the country with a pseudonym Xaraine Aphonda. He has his trusted kill others who try to steal the throne and assassinate surviving former top officials.
A large group of amethystas and azurloxes attempted to assassinate Solara but failed. It was a very long gun fight, with many casualities on both sides. Solara himself got shot, getting hit by a burst rifle to his top corner. The standoff took 3 months to subside, ending on Novavarvia 29th when the last of the assassins was ultimately assassined himself. That amethysta was actually Jolivara Ivellor Falixyrit, the chancellor of Soliarista Tropica, also being the last top official to die. Many more neglectful months pass by and eventually on Aceinivia 30th the country agrees he'll be the new leader due to the failed attack to overtake the throne. Little that they know, he will use the new militarial power he now possesses and start abusing it. Minor political disputes were ceased with death, for example.
These small things continue to happen until Axytivia 13th of next year in 5071, when Solara began drafting citizens after getting comfortable in his new chair to invade the nearby small country, Equaris. The tiny country had an extremly undeveloped military power, easily being overwhelmed when they tried to counter attack and defend. The entire country became a wasteland in less than three days, all cities and forests charred and unrecognizable from arson. No one from the country had a chance to flee before everyone was killed. No one from there survived. Parts of Soliarista Tropica was burned from the forest fires, getting uncontrollable very quickly. It took them five whole months to put out all the fires before they were able to start planning their next attack, due to a heatwave spanning the entire Terrafyrela continent. Four months of planning insued, and on new years day in 5072, his next invasion began, attacking the already disputed land of the Muldinorva Region.

Invasion of the Muldinorva Region (5072-5074)[]

Zym Takeover 1

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Soliarista Tropica.

(This part consists of the countries Muldinorva, Vyacurron, & Trexayne.) Exazymphora failed to recognize the uprising in Soliarista Tropica and Equaris from Solara, which is exactly what he wants. On Snowvia 1st, 5072, Solara immediately began the next invasion into the contested area known as the Muldinorva Region, which involve the three countries currently at war with each other, Muldinorva, Trexayne, & Vyacurron. While everyone was letting their guard down over the new years celebration, he sent in many combatants into Muldinorva and began wrecking havoc across the country. He was able to conquer two major cities without any resistance before they actually began fighting back. Solara also formed a temporary alliance with Trexayne to help with the invasion, making it much quicker to conquer the strongest of the MR. It was still rather lengthy however, all of the military and even the citizens had to join the two front war, taking casualties on all three sides. There was little to no progress on any side territorial-wise, until Merethe, the capital of Muldinorva, took serious damage from a large shelling attack on Bloomavia 2nd, causing the death of a ton of amethystas. This included many politicians and military generals.
On the 26th, Vyacurron also joined the fight, attacking Trexayne from the east. Due to being too focused on Muldinorva, Trexayne had to turn from the offender and had to become the defender as both Muldinorva and Vyacurron takes revenge while they are heavily distracted. The two countries took back land they lost, almost absorbing all of Trexayne. It took until Scorchvia 21st before Solara began rendering aid to the dying country, giving many supplies. The country regained all of its former territory once again on the 30th, being able to go on the frontline once again. Now that Muldinorva is in trouble, the country began bulking up defenses and stopped attacking. They built a massive fort around the major city of Orlaveste, having being completely absorbed by Solara and Trexayne aside from the last city itself. With all the firepower they have left, they were able to successfully defend against both countries. It was as such until Silvia 17th when the walls finally gave way from multiple drone strikes. Soliarista Tropica took the last of Muldinorva.
Now with one of them gone, Trexayne's leader suggested attacking Vyacurron next. Solara liked the idea, and began to force former Muldivorvians to the same drafting system. On Spooktavia 8th, Soliarista Tropica joined Trexayne's conflict with Vyacurron. Apparently, the country was already prepared for Solara's invasion, and asked Selevarne, one of it's allies, for some supplies long beforehand. With now stronger weaponry than both Trexayne and Soliarista Tropica, Vyacurron began a counterattack against both assailants, absolutely demolishing both of them. Solara got very mad and began to send in many Muldinorvians to sabotage the militarial power by blowing up supply camps and military bases within the country. This process took 3 whole months, lasting until Aceinivia 10th. Solara was satisfied with Vyacurron crumbling from the inside, and began to attack them anew. What he wasn't expecting was a drone strike to his headquarters in Soliarista City three days later on the 13th. 80% of the entire building was completely obliterated, Solara surviving because he was located in the other 20% of the structure. With many intelligence agents dead, it would take more time to plan his following attacks. Fueled with rage, he sent everyone he could into Vyacurron, and sweeped through the entire country within two weeks, on Aceinivia 29th.
Trexayne congratulated Solara for his victory, and a brief peace period occured for 5 months. With all the effort Trexayne put into the war, Solara decided not to invade Trexayne and have them decide what to do. On Precipvia 16th, Trexayne decided to merge itself with Soliarista Tropica, allowing all of their military to go under Solara's staff.

Hyaxaro Alliance War (5074-5079)[]

Zym Takeover 2

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Muldinorva Region.

(This part consists of the countries Hyaxaro Republic, Uxendia Zymphoria, & Belvysorthe.) Solara understood that the Hyaxaro Republic is a highly-respected nation, globally. He thoroughly analyzed weaknesses with the help of his intelligence agents to begin his next expansion. Solara had the brilliant idea of invading Zymphoria Uxendia first to get better borders with Hyaxaro Republic, then threaten Belvysorthe to surrender to absorb the entirety of Hyaxaro Alliance. By the following week on Sakruvia 13th, Solara began invading Uxendia Zymphoria with half of his army power, knowing that the country is vulnerable to an invasion. This will however notify Exazymphora because of its close relations between each other. Anyways, the country tried to fight back but was easily overwhelmed by the aggressiveness of the Soliarista Army. Hyaxaro Republic and Belvysorthe attempted to assist Uxendia Zymphoria, but this only helped for a short period of time. This equal standoff took roughly 6 months before the nation's top officials were killed, which doomed the entire country because it heavily relied on its government. Soon on Precipvia 9th 5075, the country began to deterioate rapidly, city after city was conquered, and after just another month of flawless attacking, the entirety of Uxendia Zymphoria was absorbed into Solara's reign.
Hyaxaro Republic's leader Relagar Veriphonal became inferiated with Uxendia Zymphoria's collapse he declared war with Soliarista Tropica on Bloomavia 15th. His sudden attack surprised the frontline, and massive swaths of land was reclaimed by the Alliance. Solara gained hold of the situation and began a counter invasion, since he was going to attack them anyways. The lost land was won once again, but attacking mainland Hyaxaro Republic was much harder than expected. Relagar knew this was going to happen because he saw how Soliarista Tropica massacred the Muldinorva Region and Equaris, and then Uxendia Zymphoria. On Bloomavia 23rd, Exazymphora and Selevarne began assisting Hyaxaro Republic knowing the corrupt Soliarista Tropica might take over all of the Terrafyrela continent. This action proved to stall the invasion, killing many soldiers in Solara's army. Solara was thinking he might face defeat soon but 3 months later on Cassivia 3rd, Xyvirion suggested using the Mudlinorvian saboteurs to weaken or even destroy the weapons that are stalling his army. Solara put that idea into action, and slowly Hyaxaro's power began to corrode and fall apart. The counterweapons were then used to attack major cities in the Republic, but Selevarne was quick to resupply them. This back and forth continued for a very long time, both sides recieving massive casualties.
It all changed when on the 29th of Newyearvia 5077, Solara launched a ballistic missile on the Hyaxaro parliament, killing Relagar. Because there is no more reliable communication between Exazymphora, Selevarne, & Hyaxaro Republic, no more aid was given and soon the country began to rapidly collapse. Citizens began to fight back, major cities began collapsing, but Soliarista Tropica was inevitable. All of those who fought back were easily killedbas they had little to no proper militarial training. But because of the fierce resistance, it took much longer to conquer the entirety of Hyaxaro Republic, but eventually on Newyearvia 31st 5078, exactly a year later, Hyaxaro Republic admitted defeat and was successfully conquered. Due to the brutal fight and multiple strong blizzards, Solara had to take a long break in order to regain strength. On the 15th of Scorchvia, Solara felt confident he could invade once again, but he wanted to try something else with Belvysorthe. As the last country of the Hyaxaro Alliance, the country is prone to invasion, as well as having 48% of borders with Soliarista Tropica now. He threatened Belvysorthe with bombing the entire country if they don't surrender.
Veskalx Belvyous, the leader, pleaded to not invade them, but Solara began to threaten them more harshly everytime she pleads. Small bombs began to be thrown into the country, arsonists began burning forests down, and drones began to hover over the country in order to try to make them surrender. On Snowvia 6th 5079, Solara began feeling tired and was thinking of invading them but the next day on the 7th, Belvysorthe announced their capitulation. All of the new citizens and military from the former country are now put under training to further strengthen the strengthening soon-to-be empire.

Zorofyrelo Rise & Downfall (5080-5084)[]

Zym Takeover 3

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Hyaxaro Alliance.

This part consists of the countries Zorofyrelo and Cyarion.

Vexen Takeover (5084-5085)[]

Zym Takeover 4

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Zorofyrelo Rise.

This part consists of the country Vexen.

Poxinaras Syndicate Conquest (5085-5096)[]

Zym Takeover 5

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Vexen.

This part consists of the countries Jivinaras, Poxokra, Evintomere Tropica, Larigos, Krypta, & Surigar.

Attack on X-States (5097-5098)[]

Zym Takeover 6

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Poxinaras Syndicate.

This part consists of the countries Mix, Nix, & Hex.

Battle of Terrarctica (5099-5105)[]

Zym Takeover 7

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of X-States.

This part consists of the country Barrendriatics Republic.

Jyandron Conflict (5105-5110)[]

Zym Takeover 8

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Barrendriatics Republic.

This part consists of the countries Jyandronia, Iriadus Coast, & Mistarea.

Clash of Selevarne (5111-5117)[]

Zym Takeover 9

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Jyandron Union.

This part consists of the country Selevarne.

The Great Sar War (5117-5132)[]

Zym Takeover 10

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Selevarne.

This part consists of the countries Exyral Vista, Aerista, Grestella Sar, Alemyvoi Sar, Cumanigara State, Quaralaire, Pelumars, Ae, & Solvin Sar.

Vatalor Dey Vadolthe Ur Kyron (5132-5141)[]

Zym Takeover 11

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Sar Association.

This part consists of the countries Vadolthe, Macarthar Republic, & Norde Tempura.

Forza Attack (5141-5150)[]

Zym Takeover 12

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Vadolthe Kyron.

This part consists of the countries Forza, Ganaxarla, Krolar Republic, Lacoron, & Rixitt Islands.

Battle of Vista Constellations (5151-5168)[]

Zym Takeover 13

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Forza Alliance.

This part consists of the countries Remvixtrilla Vista, Dezert Geocrambille, Lucurixya, Vortiloria, Scentarnella, & Trikilikar.

Magnyria Attacks (5169-5179)[]

Zym Takeover 14

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Vista Constellations.

This part consists of the countries Magnyria Isles, Alstarvon State, Faxowa Sar, Belamelzod, & Jordelor.

Srion Skirmishes (5179-5183)[]

Zym Takeover 15

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Magnyria Confederacy.

This part consists of the countries Wyvare Arelia, Srion, Lorvaine Sar, & Altorvest.

Attack on Phorius Pact (5183-5194)[]

Zym Takeover 16

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Srion Union.

This part consists of the countries Deseliete Phorius Providencya, Riftare, Ethlesten, & Penularvis.

Rechondra Conflict (5195-5212)[]

Zym Takeover 17

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Phorius Pact.

This part consists of the countries Rechondra, Mazarito Republic, & Nexorlan Republic.

Yesoria States Conquest (5213-5219)[]

Zym Takeover 18

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Rechondra Alliance.

This part consists of the countries Yesoria States, Omaine, & Selste Sar.

Great Corvextra War (5220-5240)[]

Zym Takeover 19

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Yesoria States.

This part consists of the countries Corvextra and Summit.

Xylia States Bombings (5241-5244)[]

Zym Takeover 20

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Corvextra Alliance.

This part consists of the countries Xylia States and Salice.

Exazymphora's Last Hope (5245-5305)[]

Zym Takeover 21

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Xylia States.

This part consists of the countries Exazymphora, Vortavorta, Cryogenix, Vincent Republic, Amarkas, Aweno, & Bayside.

Excurtivition Surrenderings (5305)[]

Zym Takeover 22

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of the Exazymphora Organization.

This part consists of the country Excurtivition Providences.

Absorption of the Xyvorication System (5305-5314)[]

Zym Takeover 23

Zymidicate alliance map after the invasion of Excurtivition Providences.

This part consists of the entire Xyvorication System.

Galactic War (5319-6023)[]


First Conflicts (Tavulon Exora Empira) (5319-5422)[]

Tavulon Exora Empira Flag

Tavulon Exora Empira's Flag.

AF Sectors

Galaxy sectors before any conflicts began.


Battle Against Mankind (Homo Sapiens) (5423-5554)[]

Homo Sapiens Flag

Homo Sapiens' Flag.

AF Sectors Mankind

Galaxy sectors after First Conflicts (Tavulon Exora Empira).


Overzyva (Zyva Republic) (5555-5675)[]

Zyva Republic Flag

Zyva Republic's Flag.

AF Sectors Overzyva

Galaxy sectors after Battle Against Mankind (Homo Sapiens).


Fall Of Legends (Arcturian Society) (5676-5728)[]

Arcturian Society Flag

Arcturian Society's Flag.

AF Sectors Legends

Galaxy sectors after Overzyva (Zyva Republic).


Not So Immortal (Xrybolotine Providences) (5728-5800)[]

Xrybolotine Providences

Xrybolotine Providences's Flag.

AF Sectors Immortal

Galaxy sectors after Fall Of Legends (Arcturian Society).


Wispy Fiends (Sriatic Empire) (5801-5882)[]

Sriatic Empire Flag

Sriatic Empire's Flag.

AF Sectors Wispy

Galaxy sectors after Not So Immortal (Xrybolotine Providences).


The Last Stand (Voranis Okladus Zars) (5883-6023)[]

Voranis Okladus Zars Flag

Voranis Okladus Zars's Flag.

AF Sectors Last

Galaxy sectors after Wispy Fiends (Sriatic Empire).

